Chapter 1- Nightmare

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There was a loud blast that shook the enormous castle. Blue's eyes snapped open from the unfamiliar disturbance. She stayed perfectly still, listening for a sign that would help indicate the cause.


All was too quiet, until the same noise sounded again. This time it was much closer. It was like a battle cry of an animal.

Blue sat up on her elbows never failing to take her eyes off the door. Her long midnight hair drifted in front of her turquoise eyes. Her expression was unreadable as she heard the pounding of footsteps.

Only it wasn't footsteps, they made the ground beneath her vibrate. What is happening? Something like this never happen. It drew closer only to have whatever it was, stop in front of her door.

A sense of danger rushed over her. Blue raced out from underneath her covers and the comfort of her giant feather bed. She ran to her sword that was suspended on the wall. The ruby eyes of the golden wolf's head pummel gleamed in the shadowy room. She pulled the blade from its place leaving the sheath behind.

She inched closer to her white wooden door. Preparing herself for the danger that lurked on the the other side. Blue controlled her breathing before her slender fingers gripped around the golden handle. With what little courage she had, she flung the door open.

Her stomach dropped, her heart leaped in her throat. Whatever courage she had completely disappeared. She felt her hands loosen and the sword slipped from her grasp. It clattered to the ground and only silence followed.

Blue was staring into the golden eyes of a monster. A giant wolf that was larger than the door frame. Its shoulders were hunched so it was able to peer into the room. So it was able to see her. Just the sheer size of the beast made Blue become frozen with fear.

The beast bared its sharp canines and growled, the deep vibrations could be felt in her own chest. Blue knew what was happening. She knew what was coming next. She struggled desperately to move, but something held her in place.

Fear, panic, and rage consumed her. She screamed hoping someone would hear her. They never did. The beast grew enraged and charged straight through the door breaking the wooden frames. It charged straight for her, its massive jaws closed in around her.


Blue woke up in a panic, she couldn't contain the frightful scream that escaped her lips. She was covered in a layer sweat. Her night gown was soaked. When she finally pulled herself out of the nightmare, her senses returned. Her breathing slowed and she could no longer felt the beating of her own heart.

"It was only a dream." She exhaled a sigh of relief while placing a hand over her heart. She continued to repeat those very important words until she was satisfied. She's had this dream many times before. Too many, for her liking. It never started out the same way but, it always had the same end result.

The door leading to the hallway slammed open. There was only one immortal being who would rush to her. There he stood, King Julius, king of the fire kingdom and possible all the immortal Fae. He hadn't aged a day since there first encounter on that cold winter's morning.

He was tall and heartbreakingly handsome. His normal calm and collective demeanor was now twisted with fear and panic. As if he expected to find the worst. He was searching for anything that didn't belong in the dark room.

Blue gave him an apologetic smile. She knew there was nothing in her room, but Julius seemed to think otherwise. He entered the room, closing the door softly behind him. He flared his nostrils, inhaling any scent that didn't belong in there.

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