Chaprter 20- Makuri's Tragic Tale

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Julius busted into her room just before the blazing Sun could peak over the horizon. Blue's first instincts was that she was under attack. She sprung out of bed and raced to her sword. Her hand smacked the cold empty wall and her panic quickly increased. It felt like her entire body, inside and out, was set on fire.

A hand reached out from the shadows behind her. She flinched the moment it locked around her wrist. "Relax Blue. It is only me."

Her shoulders drooped at the sound of her King's calm voice. She huffed out an aggravated sigh. "Julius was it necessary to burst into my room like that?"

She turned to look at him and he released her wrist. He spun around with a giant grin and she could her the clanking of metal. Her eye narrowed in suspicion. Damn the dark, she could hardly see a thing.

Julius voiced made the walls shake as he exclaimed with glee. "I always have a reason for what I do. Get ready and dress in your taming armor. Meet me in my room and we will have breakfast."

"Wait Julius." Blue quickly called to him before he could reach the door. She head more clanking and assumed he turned around. "My sword never made it back and I have no idea where my armor is."

"Don't worry about the sword and as for your armor, it's in your armory. Felix grabbed everything he could before bringing you here."

Felix hasn't ceased to amaze her. He even took the time to grab her things. Yet, what happened to Eclipes? She was sure that Felix wouldn't carry her. "Fine. I'll be there as soon as I can."

The door to her room opened and reveal a King in glowing magic armor. The flickering candle light caused rays of light to streak off the metal. He turn with a smile and the room was left in silence.

Blue let loose an annoyed growled after Julius left. Why was her King dressed like he's about to go to war? Why did he want her to do the same? She angrily started throwing wood into the fireplace. She needed light before she could do anything.

Her anger flared and if felt like her blood was boiling. She didn't like this feeling at all. It made the tips of her fingers feel numb as the burning course through her body. She gritted her teeth when she wasn't able to suppress the intense heat. She slammed her fist into the wall next to the fireplace.

The wood next to her ignited into flames causing her to stagger. She stared at the crimson red flames as it flicker out an ominous red glow. Did she just do that? This is bad. This is very bad. She really didn't think Julius was being serious. She thought he was just making up stories again, but it was clear. These flames weren't normal. Fire is not entirely red like the one in front of her.

Blue ran around the room as she continued like nothing happened. She just needed to keep her mind off the intense burning. The flames that lit her room didn't help. Every time it flicker it would grab her attention.

Blue did a sloppy job of trying to keep her mind clear. Every so often a piece of paper on her desk would begin to crinkle if she got to close. This worried her. If little things were beginning to burn than that mean the power was increasing. Just before she left the room the fire extinguished itself. She shook her head hoping to send her conflicted feelings away. How was she supposed to control something as wild as fire?


The Sun was shining high in the sky and Blue was in absolute hell. Her light armor didn't help in the slightest. In fact, it made it hundred times worse. She was dripping sweat underneath the black material. Why did Julius insisted they train outside, under the blazing hot sun, in the middle of Spring? She could tolerate the Winters here but that was it.

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