Chapter 19- The Voice of a Silent Princess

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The next morning was just like any other. Blue dressed in her usual black attire. She brushed the knots that had collected in her hair before tying it in a sleek braid. She glared at her reflection through one eye. She glanced down to see the necklace. The streaks of red where the eyes were had vanished. Rendering it to look just like any hunk of black rock.

She rubbed the glossy gem in between her fingers. Turning it so she could see it in different angles. It was like all of it's power was sucked away. Blue let the gem slip from her grasp. She wouldn't let herself get too concerned over a necklace. She had more important things to be worrying about. Her top propriety was finding Julius.

Blue had to resort to carrying her hunting daggers. Her sword had never made it back to the castle with her. It had disappointed her mostly because Julius had given her that sword. She just hoped he wouldn't be too infuriated.

She sighed through her nose and tested the bandage. The last thing Blue needed was this thing falling off. She had changed the gauze this morning when she saw her blood soak through.

Before she could turn around and leave there was a knock on her door. She groan hoping it wasn't the prince. Julius would have to be someone she faced alone. Blue silently stalked to the door and barely cracked it an inch. As she looked through the gap it was clear it wasn't Felix. She pulled the door and stared down at the silent princess in surprise.

Mira's gaze was nailed to the floor. A pink blush dusted her cheeks. Blue crouched while trying to balancing on the tips of her toes. She tilted her head and asked in a soft voice. "What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Her impactful dark green eyes peeked through her wavy auburn hair. The slight blushed intensified as she sputtered. "A-are you o-okay?"

Blue smiled at the young Fae. She kept her voice quiet so she wouldn't startle the princess. "I'm fine, Your Highness. You shouldn't worry about me. Although, I do appreciate it. Why aren't you in your studies?"

"I told my sister I had a tummy ache." She smiled for a change. "I was pretty convincing. I waited until everyone stopped worrying about me and then came here."

Blue straightened herself out while breathing out a soft sigh. "I see. Well, since you're here do you wish to come in? It would be more comfortable."

Her soft curls bounced as she shook her head. "No that's okay. I see that you are going to go find papa. Actually I was wondering if I could come with you. If that's okay."

Blue's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. How did she know that? How did anyone know that? Her mind went blank causing a slight frown to line the silent Princess's lips. Blue smiled again in hopes to calm the unusual feeling. "Of course you can come with me, Your Highness."

Blue stepped into the halls while silently shutting the door behind her. Mira smiled and instinctively laced her tiny fingers with the mortal. She smiled down at the young Fae, who mindlessly swung there hands.

Blue felt a warm fuzzy feeling run through her veins. She grabbed her heart to make sure it was still working properly. She had never felt this way before. Mira stayed silent as Blue gave her a curious look. It drove her to ask. "What are you doing?"

"I'm showing you how I feel." Her small canines shined as her smile grew bigger. "You're always so lonely and I thought I'd show you that I care instead of trying to convince you with words."

Her good eye narrowed in suspicion. However, it didn't last long. Mira was young and she hardly knew what she was doing. The silent princess was born not to long after Blue had arrived. She was still new to this chaotic world. She let the matter slide and continued to speak. "That's amazing, Your Highness. How are you able to do that?"

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