Chapter 4- The Lost Heiress

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Blue absolutely hated sitting across the three sisters. What made it worse, was that they were triplets. She was annoyed at how identical they looked. Even the placement of their platinum hair was the same. They sat with the same perfect posture. Sadly, everything about them was the same. She couldn't even look at them without getting annoyed. She took a peek at her king, a perfect smile played across his lips. It was a beautiful display of dignity and grace. However, there was something off about it.

Blue took a quick glance at the lord, who sat across from the prince. Long blonde hair that almost looked pure white. His eyes were a dark brown or black. It was hard to tell, after all, she sat at the very end of the table. The sweet, silent princess sat to her left. She swung her feet and bounced her head, waiting for dinner to be served. Willow sat in between her siblings. Felix sat to the right of his father. Of course, Julius sat at the head of the table next to his queen.

Julius caught her staring before she could look away. The cobalt in his eyes grew softer, like a barrier was lifted at the sight of her. Blue gave him a half smile to show him she noticed. It was strange, usually the chattering  was never ending. But now, the silence seemed to stretch beyond the room. Perhaps, it was caused by her.

She must have caught Lord Alyn's attention, for he began to speak while looking directly at her. "You have quite the lovely smile. Charming for a mortal."

She didn't know what to say. There was nothing she could say that would make this situation any better. Mira's warning about the three sisters still repeated in her head. They already didn't like her, even though, they didn't know anything about her. Blue casted her eyes away, it was the look of embarrassment but, it was mostly an act. She just didn't feel like talking to a man who claims he's a lord. She knew a lot about this kingdom's people. Thanks to her long journeys tracking Spirit beasts.

The lord scuffed, for some reason, in amusement. He looked at Julius and spoke directly to him but, she still felt that his words were directed towards her. "So Julius, why do you still have this girl?"

The kings lip twitched and most of the room knew why. For some reason, he hated answering questions about her. Just as much as he hated receiving them. "I promised that she could stay here until her memories returned."

Perfect. Blue released a silent sigh of frustration. All the attention was now locked on her. Of course, the lord grew too curious to suppress his words. "You lost your memories?"

Blue grew flustered, she knew she couldn't avoid the situation any longer. He was speaking directly to her. So, for the first time she looked into his black eyes. "Unfortunately yes, my king found me wandering the woods ten years ago."

"Really?" He made it sound so much more interesting than it actually was. "What is it like?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What is it like to lose something so precious?"

How dare he! Blue could feel something much worse than anger snap within her heart. This man had no right to ask her such a question. He sounded as if he wanted to drown in her suffering. That being said, Julius is the only one who could such a thing. He was the only one who knew anything about her memory loss issue.

Just when her words were about to boil over, Julius cut in for her. "Alyn, that is none of your concern. You of all people, should know that."

The lords attention snapped to the king. He smiled yet, it was all charm and no heart. "You don't need to act so civil in front of this mortal. Or, are you perhaps doing it for me? If that's the case than, Your Majesty, I am flattered. Still, there is no reason to act like a blue blood for me."

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