Chapter 25- Blue's Tragic Memories

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A/N: Hey look imma at the beginning now! Haha! Any hoo, there was supposed a map but my phone is being stupid! >:( In the beginning of this chapter the Spirits haven't claimed their land. I'll explain in greater detail in the story. In the beginning they are above the map. I guess you could call it the artic circle. Sorry if it's a little jumpy. A millennium is a long time. Anyways enjoy! Blue wolf out! :3

"Stop it!" My little voice cried as the whip lashed across my arms that covered my slightly red face.

Every night during the first decade of my existence, I stared into the golden eyes of a monster. His long icy hair was pull up in a high pony. My father, King Raida, towered over my cowering form. His eye sparked with disgust as he grabbed a fist full of my turquoise hair and slammed the back of my head hard against the stone wall. His only response was the dark twist in his smile.

I never understood why my father tried so hard to break my skin. Every night his attempts became more drastic. He used blades, whips, magic, and the energy that surrounds every living thing. But all of his attempts were in vain.

When I was born I looked like a mortal. With midnight black hair and bright blue eyes. My mother, Queen Kita, was forced into bed rest for an entire decade. She teetered between life and death and it was all my fault. I nearly killed her the day I was birthed and my father took the opportunity to do his unspeakable deeds.

The constant beatings continued to rain down on me. I couldn't have looked older than three in mortal years. I stopped screaming in pain after five years. I stopped crying before next. Ten years went by and I still looked no older than three. I was still powerless compared the Spirit who stood in front of me.

One night the door to my room slammed into the wall with a loud bang. I glanced past my father and saw the most beautiful woman standing in the doorway. Her long white hair was in disarray from her ten year slumber. Her gold eyes had a sinister edge to them. Her snarl caused her scarlet ribbon markings on her cheeks to dance. She crossed the room in a blink of an eye and halted the whip before it ever made contact.

My father was, of course, surprised to see my mother standing right next to him. But it quickly turned to rage. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Get out." My mother's voice sounded calmer than she looked. It was the only warning she would give him.

Everyone knew better than to cross the queen of the ice kingdom. She could make your life a living hell if she wanted to and you wouldn't even know until it was too late. My father didn't need another warning. He left but, he already had another menacing plan in mind.

She stood tall until the door shut behind the king. Than, she seemed to crumble to the deathly cold floor. My mother wrapper her arms tightly around me and began to sob. "I'm sorry, my sweet little girl. I'm sorry I haven't been able to protect you. I'm so sorry."

I wasn't crying like my mother was. All the salty water in my eyes were used up. I didn't have it in me to shed a tear. Instead, I traced the the scarlet ribbons that swirled up her arm. My mother was beautiful. It was the first time I had ever seen her. My father made it clear that I wasn't to disturb the queen.

My mother only sobbed harder from my lack of emotions. She cursed the man who did this to her child, and the kingdoms rightful heir. I listened to my mother's silent sobs for the rest of the night.

Another decade went by and my mother hardly left my side. She brought me outside for the first time. The world around me was always covered in ice. Even when summer rolled around, it was always cold. I never minded though, there was already ice running through my veins. I could walk out in nothing more than rags and not feel the bite from the suffocating winds. I would play with small crystals that coated my kingdom in constant white. Ice was a rare gift to receive. My grandmother was the first being the receive the gift from Rukus.

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