Chapter 31- Imprisonment

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Makuri prowled the halls of her castle like she did most mornings. She wanted to remember everything before she was forced to leave. It's been three weeks and she still waited for her father's return. She became increasingly nervous as the hours ticked by. Any minute he could return and she had to be ready for the worst.

Makuri reached her hand to touch the deadly scythe strapped to her back. It brought her some peace of mind knowing she still had her grandmother's powerful weapon. She finger the carving of Rukus, hoping it would add to her courage. Unfortunately, it did little to cease the maelstrom of worry. She was a mess but, she did her best to hide it. Causing her to look emotionless and cold. Servants scurried away as they saw her approaching, hoping to get away from her wrath. Yet, there was no anger coursing through her veins, only constant worry.

However, for some reason, there was a lone guard stomping his way towards her. Makuri lifted up her guard as the silver haired being saluted to her. A quick pound to the heart and a bow of the head. She lifted up her now well trimmed eyebrow before snapping. "What is it?"

"Your Highness, your father has been looking for you." He tried to say powerfully but, she heard the quiver in his voice.

Her muscle stiffened to an extent were they began to ache. Her stomach twisted making her want to hurl. She could feel a cold sweat drip down her spine as she repeated. "My father?"

"That's correct. However, I think it would be unwise to visit him now."

"Why?" Her nerves made her voice sound harsher than she intended.

The man flinched but, continued to meet her gaze. "He's in a meeting with the councilmen. You already know he hates being interrupted."

Makuri pushed past the guard, finally after weeks, she knew where her next destination was. The guard didn't argue as she stormed through the halls. Her face slowly contorted with rage as she drew closer to the king.

The council room was on one of the higher level, looking out at the mountains. Makuri had only been in there a couple of times but, she knew the place well. It was a place Makuri held no rights. She was just like any other Spirit the instant she stepped foot in that room. It still didn't sway her, she had been waiting for this for far too long. She jogged through the halls and raced up the stairs as fast as she could.

Until, Makuri was staring at the heaving oak doors that were stained a rich brown. The six Divines were carved into the wood. Rukus at the top, to his right was the dragon, Odiving. Slightly below, was the fierce tiger, Divine of the Thunder kingdom. Standing next to Rukus, was his brother, his snake like body coiled like a spring. Next to him, was a stag with large horns and lastly, was the golden hawk of the Wind Kingdom. Makuri admired the master piece one last time before she slammed the doors open.

Twelve men and women of higher power sat in a circle around a big mahogany table. Her father sat at the head of the table, directing his finger over the giant map. Their focus, however, was ripped away due to the loud banging. Makuri took in a shaky breath to settle her already escalated rage. She hadn't even glance his way but, she was already infuriated. She already knew what he was going to say. She scanned the room from underneath her long bangs. The Six Elite guarded the back of the room, waiting for any dangers.

Her eyes landed on Vanessa, who looked terrified and worried all at the same time. Makuri frowned at the fact that her friend was still here. She also had to witness the worst in her. She inwardly groaned as she straightened herself out of her hunch over form.

Her father gave her a perplexed look before asking calmly. "What are you doing here, child?"

Makuri snickered darkly as she gave him a vague answer. "I've been waiting for you, father."

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