Chapter 14- Spoken

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Coldness. That was the only thing clear in the black void. Blue couldn't see any forms of life as she was suspended through the darkness. Her head whipped in every direction. She couldn't tell which way was up or even if she was standing. She flexed her feet to see if she could touch solid ground. There was no such thing wherever she was... Where is she?

The cold somehow felt comforting. It wasn't a bitter cold like the winter in the mountains. Although, it could have just been as freezing. It wasn't cold to her. It felt welcoming, pulling her deeper into the dark. Should she be panicking? This wasn't suppose to be normal, was it? She couldn't tell, the void left her at peace. She didn't feel the chaos of the real world. Was she dreaming?

The darkness reminded her of something. The one thing that usual strikes fear into her heart. She was being dragged into a brilliant blue light that floated in the distance. She tried to claw herself away, her mind finally put all the pieces together. Her hands gripped onto nothing and the light only grew more intense behind her.

Whatever attempt she made failed, sucking her into the light no matter how hard she fought. No! This can't be happening! Not now! The last of the dark was swallowed by the blue light.

Blue blinked realizing she was back at the castle. Standing under the full moon blanketing the world around her in a soft white glow. The wind kissed her face calming her from the disasters that is surely to come. She prepared herself even though she had no weapon in sight. Why!? Why did this have to happen again?!

She heard a soft breathing coming from behind her. She became completely stiff knowing very well what stood behind her. Blue picked up her courage and slowly turned around. Her turquoise eyes caught sight of the giant three tailed wolf that stood behind her. It's gold eyes sparkled and glowed a yellow hue. It stood at least three times taller than her. Proudly standing with its massive head held high.

Fear was the first thing that Blue could clearly understand. She wanted to run but, like always, her feet were frozen in place. The beast, however, made no move to attack. It only watched her with its calming gold pools. She grunted and struggled against the invisible force. Waiting for the attack that never seemed to come.

Blue was still in a state of fight or flight when she heard the beast huff. She craned her neck to look the beast in the eyes. "Do... Do you understand me?"

"Of course I do." The creature growled baring its massive teeth. His voice was deep and clear like a king. "What were you expecting?"

Her breath hitched in her throat. It spoke... It never spoke to her before. She didn't know what to say or what to think. She watched the creature take a step closer and her fear ignited. "Stay the hell away from me!"

"Relax yourself. It's unwise to raise your voice at me." The beast made no signs of stopping. He kept drawing closer without caring about her struggle.

Move. Move your damn legs! She struggled to rip free from the force that weighed down her feet. "What do you want from me!?"

A chuckle echoed against the walls of her mind. She felt like prey in front of this creature. His massive head swung down nearly touching the ground to look her in the eyes. She couldn't mistake its smirk hidden in the gold. "I don't want anything from you personally. There was only one thing I need you to do."

"Will you leave me alone if I do this one thing?!" Blue squirmed under its gaze. She never knew he could have an intelligent conversation. What was the point of causing her nightmares all her life?

The beast chuckled again plopping down entirely on the luscious grass. "I can't promise you anything. The future is never set in stone. Now, will you stop asking such foolish questions and listen to what I'm about to tell you?"

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