Chapter 15- Divines

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Blue paced around the orange firelight. The clouds above were thick and filled with moisture. The warm breeze carried the scent of rain. A warning to those who are willing to listen. She thought about moving the group to a drier area but, it wouldn't do them any good. By the time they are all packed and ready, the rain would fall.

The three other tamer fell asleep long before the clouds cover the stars. They curled up and rested under a giant, flourishing tree. Its branches and leaves were their only protection from the down pour that was to come. She watched the slow rise and fall of their chest, indicting that they all slept peacefully. Now was her best chance.

Blue stopped her pacing and looked at the prince, who, sat under another mighty tree. His eyes flickered between red and orange. If she hadn't been paying close attention, she would have missed the gold that sparked every so often. Felix ripped his gaze from the tamers and calmly looked her way. The black cloth that covered the bottom half of his face hung around his neck. His inky black hair clung to his face from the humidity. The prince only smiled and said. "So, you finally stopped pacing."

Her lip tugged up into a snarl but, she forced herself to remain calm. Felix was her only option. He was the only being she could turn to at this time. Blue sighed and rested next to him. The further they went the taller and bigger the trees grew. She gazed into the fire created by his own magic before asking. "Have you figured out who attacked me yet?"

All of his attention was now fully locked on her. His voice was low and carried a hint of disappointment. "No, I haven't. Why are you bringing it up again?"

"Last night, I was visited by the same Spirit." Blue said without any regrets. She was tired of the her life being a secret. He probably wanted the answers just as much as her.

"What?!" He barked causing the forest to hold it's breath. Blue leaned away from his displeased glare. He snarled and growled through his teeth. "You never left last night. How did this Spirit visit you?"

She wrapped her arms around her legs, bringing her knees to her chest. She took in the sweet smell of rain... It was close. When she released the air from her lungs and softly spoke. "I see him through my dreams. It was only that one time I saw it with my waking eyes. I actually need your help and I need it to be kept quiet."

He refrained from lashing out by gripping his forehead. Worry lines formed in between his eyebrows. His captivating orbs once again drifted to her. His voice was camouflaged with curiosity but, his eyes told her something entirely different. "Are you going to tell me who it is or not?"

"That's the thing." Blue tired to make her voice sound more uplifting. She had no idea what she could be getting herself into. Even worse, she could be playing with the prince's life. "I don't know who it is but, I want to figure that out. I need you assistance if you would be so kind to aid me."

The light in his eyes slowly tapered. A thick veil of unease fell around them. The shadows in the forest seemed to grow darker. He spoke breaking the haunting aura. "I can help you but, you have to owe me any favor."

"Any favor?" Blue lifted one of her black eyebrow. She didn't like the sound of this. If she agreed she would have to do anything he asked. It would be an unbreakable contract. She couldn't fathom what favor he would ask from her.

"Any favor I desire." Felix said sternly. He sounded like the same arrogant prince she remembered. 

She clearly showed her distrust by her deeply etched frown, which, only earned her a smile. She sighed and reluctantly nodded her head in agreement. "Fine. I trust that you wont make me regret my choice."

"Don't worry, I may not even need a favor from you." He chuckled under his breath.

"You only want one so you could hold it over my head." She huffed earning another chuckle.

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