Chapter 3- The Mind of a Prince

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Willow's room was large and extravagant. A game room and a music room were connected to her foyer. Her bedroom doors were shut leaving the two princesses, Mira and Willow, with Blue. The silence in the room was thick and uncomfortable. Willow watched Blue with eyes that were a striking resemblance to Julius. Her long white hair was tied up and twisted into braids. She was stunning, to say the least, dressed in a light pink gown with a silver tiara resting on her head.

Mira was a spitting image of Queen Aurora. Her auburn hair was a deep shade of red mixed with brown. Her eyes were a sharp green like a luscious forest filled with vegetation. Even though, Mira hid behind the chair Willow was seated in, Blue still knew what the silent princess looked like.

Blue bounced her leg in irritation. How much longer did the king expect her to wait in here? She hated the silence that continued to stretch.

A shadow of a smile appeared in Willow's eyes. The silent torture was finally broken. "You look lovely this evening."

She forced a smile that made her upper lip twitch. "Thank you. You do as well, Your Highness."

Willow waved her words away. So much like her father. "Please, call me Willow."

After some time, she realized how much more she respected Willow than she did the prince. She couldn't help but, disagree. "I could never do something like that."

"Of course you can." Willow smiled while placing her hands neatly on her lap. Her sapphire eyes flickered down to the onyx dragon. "I can't help but ask how you got that necklace."

Blue saw Mira peek around chair, obviously wondering the same. She looked back at Willow and told her. After all, she had nothing to hide from the peaceful princess. "Your father gave it to me just before I arrived here."

"Gave?" Willows pure white eyebrows shot up. "Do you have any idea what that means?"

"I-" Blue didn't really know what to say. She thought she did but, she couldn't be completely certain. "believe I do."

"I don't think you do. It not just my family's emblem. That necklace belongs to Felix only."

"Yeah... Your father said something like that. He also said he didn't want it."

"That much is true. That's not all. My father had that necklace made for his child long before they were born. His first child was said to hold the power of the dragon, Odiving. The myth says that the necklace is suppose to protect anyone that wears it. Using the power Felix posses."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Blue tilted her head.

Willow shook her head while casting her eyes down. "I'm not to sure. I grew up only seeing this piece of jewelry being crammed away. I almost tried it on but, my father rushed to me in a panic. He told me only one specific person was allowed to wear it."

Blue instinctively looked at the hunk of onyx. She had no idea it held such great importance. Not even Willow was allowed to wear it. "Why would your father give me such a thing?"

Mira, who had been hiding this entire time, walked in front of Blue. Her tiny little fingers reached and held the gem. To Blues utter surprise, the silent princess spoke. "It's my big brother."

Both, Willow and Blue, had their mouths hung wide open. Mira doesn't speak. Ever. This was the first time Blue had ever heard her voice. It was small yet, she could clearly hear her. She practically forced the words out. "Yeah. It looks a lot like him when he's yelling at you."

The little Fae giggled. "He wont like it that you're wearing it but, he'll warm up to it. So no matter what, don't take it off."

Blue's eyes widen, she wasn't only speaking, she was speaking to her. "H-how do you know such a thing?"

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