Chapter 2- The surprise gift

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Julius had waited all morning to tell Blue the terrible news. He also thought it was time to mix up her schedule. He stood at the foot of her bed smiling to his hearts content as he said in an unusual kingly way. "You have no say in the matter, I'm afraid. Lillian will be here shortly to be of some assistance."

She scowled while holding her head in the palm of her hand. She could already feel a headache pounding at her temple. "I wish you hadn't sprung this upon me at the very last moment."

"It's not all bad. I know it's not your most favorite thing to be doing. Still, I have very important guests that are arriving today. I can't have you running around acting like a common warrior."

That struck a nerve. Her arctic blue eyes sharply glared at her king. "Since when have I been acting?" Blue had to hunt beast that could harness extreme powers. Every time she encounters a beast, she always had to think about the possibility of not returning. Most humans wouldn't want to be within a ten mile radius of one of those creatures. If she wasn't a warrior she didn't know what she was.

Her king slowly shook his head. Having his golden hair play with the rays of sun. "I don't mean it in disrespect. I'm just looking out for your best interest. Even if you dress yourself to look like a queen, there will be questions. There are always questions with you. I'm trying to draw as much attention away from you as possible."

Blue thought of a much easier and less degrading way of drawing away attention. "I could just stay in my room until your ever so important guests leave."

A long, exhausted sigh left his lips. "I can't let that happen. After Lillian has finished with you, you will meet with me immediately. Do you understand?"

She looked away frowning to the very fullest. "Yes, Your Majesty."

His kingly expression changed on the spot. Joy once again spread through his smile. "That's wonderful to hear. It's been quite time since I've seen you in a dress."

Their was laughter in his voice as he turned without giving her any chance to speak. "I'll see myself out but, I will be seeing you shortly."

Her voice squeaked hoping she could protest more. Nothing. She watched her king close the door behind him with a soft click. Seconds ticked by leaving her stunned. She wanted to rage. She wanted to cut everything to shreds. But she didn't, she had to keep her self together. Knowing Julius, he wants this done right away. She'll have to become a completely different person the moment Lillian enters. One that always smiles and pretends to never hear the nasty comments the Fae like to make.

Blue hadn't moved, every time she felt her rage begin to boil over. Julius would pop into her mind, calming the burning and making it disappear. After all, what he was asking from her was not all that difficult. It was just for one day. Greet the guests, entertain the guests, and by tonight, it will be all over.

That was if she had it her way. She could never be sure what comes next. She was never told until she had to do it. Today being a perfect example. Blue got up and began to pace from one end of her beautiful room, to the other. It was surreal, the cheery wooden table sat underneath the giant window. With only two chairs, both carved with vines, birds, and fruit. She walked past the fire place lined in gold and white marble. This room wasn't suited for someone like her.

Blue could think of a reason why Julius, the king, an immortal being that could very well be older than Koletan, would want to keep her. He knew something. He has been keeping his lips sealed. She was more than positive on that. She knew him to well not to notice.

A knock on her door happened all too suddenly. She, unlike herself, jumped. Blue blamed it on her lack of sleep as she slowed her racing heart. She sighed and lifted her chin while casually walking to the door. She put on a smile that was bright as she opened the door.

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