Chapter 32- Return of a Dragon

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Makuri tugged on the reins strapped to her horse's ebony snout, forcing it to cease it's running. The horse jerked it's head to release some tension before stopping completely. The crunching of hooves on snow slowed behind her, until all was silence. Makuri reached behind her so she could fix a leaning Moe before focusing on the dark silence around them.

Dawn was approaching. The shadows of the forest wouldn't protect them for very much long. But for now, there was nothing following them. For now, they could rest.

"Blue." Vanessa's wary voice broke the eerie stillness. "Why have we stopped?"

Makuri looked over her shoulder, past a mop of dirty blonde hair, and straight into her eyes. "We are in need of a short break. Let's eat, rest the horse's, and bind Moe's wounds while we still have the chance."

Vanessa gave a curt nod as she slid down her saddle. Quickly, she trotted over to help the broken Fae to solid ground. He grunt and moaned with each sudden move of his body. Makuri cringed at the sight and swiftly jumped to the wet earth. The melting snow crunched under her feet upon impact. Her golden eyes flickered up, she watched as Vanessa brought the beaten Fae underneath the protection of a sodden tree. 

Makuri briskly walked across the ice covered ground but, not before filling her hands with the little food she had. Every step she took made her cringe, any one of those steps could attract the wrong attention. She was hyper-aware of the heavy breathing the Fae produced and the rushed footsteps Vanessa made to control the liquefied breaths.  

"You're doing well, so far." Makuri muttered once she was close enough to be heard.

Moe looked up at her and flashed his filthy canines. A look of repulsion crossed though his eyes. They were so full of hate it made the rebel heir flinch. 

She never meant it in disrespect. In fact, he was doing better than she expected. She turned her gaze to the frosted grass and stretched her hand to the Fae, offering the scraps she still had in her grasp. 

His sunken yet, clear green eyes gazed upon the meat with suspicion. They flickered back to her face to catch any hint of betrayal. When her found none he barked with weakened rage. "Where are you taking me?"

Vanessa looked up at her with same questioning gaze. Makuri held in the sigh that so desperately wanted to be released. Honestly, she should have already gained this man's trust. She did released him from eternal imprisonment. "I'm taking you home." She casually said while lowering to the earth.

"Home? To the Fire Kingdom? Who's to say I'll live that long?" He growled. "Do you realize what you've done, Ice Queen? You've put my life in greater danger! They'll be coming after us and I do not have the strength to survive a chase."

"They're not after you. They might not even care that you're gone." She whispered while nervously twisting her hair. He gold eye's danced across the forest floor. Any time, there could be something.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, girl." Moe hissed.

Makuri couldn't stop her eyes from narrowing. However, she wouldn't allow herself to take it too personally. Although, the way he said it made her only more curious. She would've dung a little deeper if there wasn't about to be a army hunting her down. Or worse, the Six Elite. Instead, She pressed the food into the Fae's hand and demanded. "Eat. Unless, you want to die."

They intensely glared into one another's eyes.  An internal battle between wills sparked through they're eyes. One of them would have to break soon and it wouldn't be her. He doesn't really seem to understand how stubborn she is. He wouldn't be dying in her care. Moe slowly grabbed the out stretched morsel before wolfing it down.

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