Chapter 7- The Heart of Felix

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Felix didn't feel like himself after the mortal left. It was the first time they left on reasonable terms. He couldn't help but enjoy her company. She was truthful down to the very end. He realized that half way through his interrogation. He was the one who broke down and told her everything she wanted to hear. He hoped she didn't open her mouth. He wouldn't be playing fair then.

He wondered if she could find here way out. She told him she knew they way back but, in that instant that lies came flooding back. She was running. She had heard enough. A sudden rush of panic came over him. Why had he told her so much? Why did he care if she go lost or not? It felt like a punch in the gut by the ice princess herself. He knew exactly why. It was that necklace. That damn necklace! Why would his father give her that? He had to take it back.

He saw out of the corner of his vision a brilliant white light. It only lasted for a blink of an eye but, he knew his father was close. He could run. If it wasn't already too late. His father knew he was here. Felix waited patiently for him right where he was. His father came down the dark rows of books. His chin was up and his eyes were as cold as ice. He looked more than angry. He would have to think up a knew word to describe how enraged he looked. He snickered under his breath as he rose to his feet.

When the king approached he didn't waste time with introductions. "What was she doing here?"

"I don't see why it matters. She came here of her own free will."

"You have to stop this, Felix." The king said with a hint of concern. Concern for her.

He felt the burning in his chest. The one that lit his anger. "What do I have to stop?"

"You have to stop putting stories into her head. She's already thinking about it. She'll start believing you in a matter of time. It's cruel to tamper with somebody's memory. Especially when they didn't willingly forget."

"You say that as if you done it before."

His father quieted. He clenched his jaw and said after a long pause. "There are things that must be done to protect millions."

"What is that suppose to mean? When did this happen?"

"There are many things you are not ready to hear."

"I already know you're hiding information from me. Why did you give her that damn necklace?"

His father chuckled. A joyful smile spread across his lips. "So you finally realize what it does."

He sure as hell did and he did not want it happening anymore. "You have to take it back."

"No. With that necklace around her neck you have no choice but to protect her with your life."

"Why are you doing this?" He didn't want to protect any mortal.

"I fear she is in danger. I can't always protect her."

Danger? Mira had told him the same thing. She wasn't in danger anymore. The triplets did what they needed to do. There would be no way they'd try it again. Not after what they saw the mortal do. "She's better off without it."

"How do you know that?"

"She already has a target on her back. Don't you think it will only draw more attention?" Felix added the concern in his voice.

His father shook his head and a disappointed look crossed his face. "That kind of you to think that but, you are one of the reasons she has that target on her back. The necklace stays. Make peace before it's too late."

Fear spiked through his very core. It consumed him, causing his senses to heighten. He couldn't stop himself from asking. "What do you mean?"

"Did you forget about last night? Who ever is after her is trying to seriously injure her or worse."

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