Chapter 8- The Truth to it All

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A week had past since Blue had her little spat with the triplets. A week since she made a deal with Felix. Every morning he would find a way to get her attention. Whether it be with fire or a simple hiss. It irritated her to her limits. She wasn't some dog he could call. But, once they got inside the library and sat in his isolated areas, all her anger would disappear. He answered every question she had. No matter how pointless the question may seem.

Mostly everything Felix told her left her in awe. He mainly talked about Spirit animal since, she is a tamer. She understood how the prince thought. He didn't want her to run into a battle without the proper knowledge.

"Blue!" Felix slammed his hands on the table causing a loud crack. "Are you listening to me?"

"Of course!" She growled after she jumped out of her skin.

"Than what did I say?" His face twisted with annoyance.

Blue rolled her arctic eyes but, she had no idea. She smiled weakly. "You caught me. Sorry Felix."

He sighed. "It's fine. Do it again and today's lesson is over."

"Fair enough."

 His eyes lingered in her for a moment before continuing. "Anyways, as I was saying. Spirits have an order. With the immortal humans being at the top. Of course, there are prey that are stronger than most predators."

"How does that work?" Her eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Say a hare was being chased by a pack of wolves. The wolves are normal, there is nothing special about them. But, the hare was a Spirit. The Spirit would win hands down.

She could only focus on one word. Wolves. Perhaps he knew what attacked her. "Do you know any wolf Spirits"

"There are a few but, they are not worth remembering. There is one that all of Koletan knows. His name is Rukus."

"Rukus? Why does this one have a name?" Blue leaned in eager to hear more.

"He's the only reason the royal family has such extreme powers. He's one of the Divine beings. He rules over the Ice Kingdom."

"A divine being? Wait, what do you mean by that? What does Rukus have to do with the family's power?"

"When a human Spirit is born they are completely powerless. Until a Spirit different from its own species unlocks its power. They go from being powerless to the strongest beings alive."

"So, if I were to run into a Spirit, how would I know I needed to avoid it?"

"Their color."

"Color?" Blue tilted her head. She never realized the Spirits would be this strange.

"Their color of their hair or fur will tell you how strong they are. How connected they are to the energy around them. It may also tell you who gave them their powers."

"How so?"

Felix huffed. "Let's look back at the royal family. Their heir or heiress will always have blue hair. That's because Rukus rules over the blue haired Spirit."

"How many of them have blue hair?"

A hint of sadness filled his ruby red eyes. "Currently, there is only one."

This shocked her, only one? How? Since they come in such a wide rage of colors? "You say currently, why is that?"

"Makuri was the only other blue haired Spirit. Because her hair was bright and not faded, showed how much power she would receive. Which, was beyond anyone's expectations."

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