Chapter 26- Reborn to Right the Wrongs

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Makuri made sure to cover her leaking face with her bright blue hair. She held tightly to Captain Darius' blade yet, there wasn't any sign of an injury. Her tears wouldn't stop their descent down her cheeks no matter how badly she wanted them gone. For once, she couldn't stop them. The only sign of her miserable state were the slight tremors she couldn't conceal.

"What are you waiting for?!" A shriek pieced through the overwhelming silence. She looked through her shocking blue hair to see the Fae Queen growling. She stood with a army of wary looking personal guards. They were tightly knitted together with their blades drawn at the ready. Willing to die to protect their disgusting queen. "Kill her!"

The words took longer to comprehend than it should have. Makuri was to late to react to the hands that grabbed both her wrists. Another grabbed a fist full of hair and yanked her up to stand. There was no way they would refuse an opportunity like this. They've been waiting a very long time for a day like this. Not only that, she had a part in breaking the treaty. Her father used her disappearance the only way he knew how. He never care that she was gone, he only wanted war.

Her sadness engulfed into rage. She glared at the green eyed Fae that stood in front of her. Behind him she saw Julius, his teeth were bared in a threatening way at his wife. He hollered as Darius raised the blade over his head. "Darius! If you know anything about this princess you should know not to attack her! You'll only be making your situation worse!"

She saw him hesitate for a moment but, it was her only chance. The blade shimmered as it descended for her neck. Before it could reached her, she twisted her hip and slammed her heel into the captains chin. His sharp chin ricocheted off of her foot causing his head snapped back from the impact. He lost his footing and collapsed onto the ground. She felt the grip on her left hand loosen. The Fae made a dire mistake and hesitated to snatch his blade.

Makuri yanked her hand free and sent it after the being who held her other wrist. She heard the sickening crack of his nose breaking. The Fae lost his grip and launched backwards. He howled in pain as he covered the badly bent cartilage. She turned her attention on the Fae that held fast to her hair. She arched her back and sank her sharp nails into the flesh on his cheeks. Before he could react she flipped him over her back while bringing her knee up. The back of his skull smashed into the thick bone and he slither to the ground unconscious.

A flash out of the corner of her eye cause her to dodge. The Fae she neglected to take down had drawn his blade. He swung the dangerously sharp sword in chaotic sweeps. He tried his best to land a clean and devastating blow but, she saw every move he made. His movement's slowed to the speed of a mortal. She danced around the blade until she finally had an opening. Her pupils dilated with excitement as the sharp tip grazed her nose. She stopped the blade with her hand before it could move any further. His struggle was short lived as she tore it from his hands. Astonishment quickly twisted into agony as she collided the heel of her foot into his collarbone, shattering it into pieces.

She tossed the blade in her hand so she was holding it by the hilt. She hadn't realized the dozen or so, highly trained guard's surround her until now. Their blades drawn, anticipating an attack from her. Makuri straighten and placed one foot behind the other to strengthen her defense's. She raised the blade with one hand while pressing the other against her back. She watched the guards take cautious step towards her. The only things that moved were her eyes, marking every Fae that lingered to close.

The circle around her began to grow smaller. Her chances to escape were slowly diminishing. Finally, Darius gave his command. "Take her down, dead or alive! She must be stopped at all cost!"

The group charged after her simultaneously. Their blades shining against the rising moon. Once they were close enough, Makuri release a sudden burst of ice into the humid air. Millions of tiny ice crystals exploded into steam and created a cloud of dense fog. It made her and the surround guards disappear from sight. She closed her eyes to listened for any of the ice crystals to be disturbed.

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