Chapter 11- Run!

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No one spoke during the slow journey. Everyone was too afraid to say something. They didn't want to set off the Fae prince, disguised as an assassin bodyguard. The moon was barely half way filled as it crept above the horizon. Bright stars littered the night sky. They reached a small village before it had gotten to late. It was the same little town she had expected to arrive at. Blue smiled to herself, so far so good.

She slid off her horse taking her blade with her. She told the stable boy that they would be staying. They boy glowed with innocents when she passed him a gold coin. Telling him to take good care of it and to spend it wisely. He thanked her kindly and scurried off to the horses. She noticed Felix watching her and she growled. Did it come as a surprise to him that she actually has manners? She let it slide as she entered the tavern. The rest following in tow.

The lively atmosphere slowly faded into silence as the five of them entered. There boots echoed throughout the room. The floorboard groaned from the pressure. Blue headed straight for the long snow white haired Fae woman behind the bar. "I need a couple of rooms for tonight.

"I'm sorry we only have one room that is currently available." She gave an apologetic smile. If it hadn't been for her icy grey eyes, Blue could have easily called this woman Willows twin.

"How many beds?"

"There should be two, if I'm not mistaken."

She let out a heavy sigh. "That's fine. How much is it for one night?"

"One gold coin for each person." The Fae said with a pleasant smile.

She easily handed that over and the woman, in return, she slid the key across the bar. She snatched it up and climbed the stairs that lead to the second floor. She stood in front of a door that she believe was theirs. Slipping the key into the keyhole and slowly turned it. She heard the satisfying click of the lock and opened the door to the cramped room. Two beds that could only hold two people were in the room, as promised. Only one window stood in the back of the room, looking out to the deserted streets.

Blue was shoved out of the way. She stopped herself from falling, thanks to the wall being so close. Carliya and Eliza made themselves comfortable on one of the beds. She decided against taking the other one. She'll let Felix have it. She sat on the ground leaning her back against the wall. She sat were she could see everyone and everything.

The prince, however, stood next to the window. Grant took the extra bed without any complaints. She clicked her tongue out of irritation. How much ruder could they possible get? She was the one who paid for the room in the first place. There was no way she was putting up with their non-sense. "Let me start off by saying that Ky will be choosing where he sleeps. Your objections will be over looked."

"Why does the fairy boy get to choose? Just because he's a Fae doesn't mean he's above the rest of us." Carliya spat, venom leaked from her words.

"His name is Ky!" Blue hissed at her response. He's not only a Fae, he was a prince. As a prince he could do anything he wanted and get away with it. Even though, she was leading this group, she couldn't forget that one very important fact.

"What about you?" Grant asked knowing very well that she held all the rights.

"I'll sleep where I fall. I'll let the three of you fight over the other bed. However, Ky just may be gracious enough to let you sleep in the same bed as him. You all did start off on the wrong foot. Make nice before you piss him off again." Blue had to bring up what happened today. If she hadn't, nothing would be resolved. She already had to many things on her mind. This was the last thing she needed. If any of her plans were to work, she would need everyone's cooperation.

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