Chapter 33- No End in Sight

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When Makuri saw the flaming castle far below them, she was able to crack a genuine smile. Relief swept her away and an enormous pressure lifted from her shoulders. She made it without a single incident or fatality. That's all she had asked for, and the Divines were gracious enough to grant her that wish.

Felix slowly eased his way down to the courtyard, twisting his massive body to avoid any destruction. His wings sprawled open to lessen the impact of his landing but, that did little good. The ground quaked from his massive weight and Makuri made sure she hold onto the still weak Moe.

"Let go of me!" He snapped.

Makuri clicked her tongue and did as he asked. Vanessa had finally healed his wounds, which meant his life no longer hanged in the balance. She was the first one down, helping Vanessa lower the Fae to the ground. The moment his feet touched the earth, she left him go. She didn't want to infuriate him any further. Her pink eyed friend quickly joined them on the solid dirt with a content sigh. Until, her senses were sent back to high alert. Her eyes glued to a single spot.

Makuri followed her gaze out of curiosity, only to find her king crossing the field at a leisurely pace. She nearly took off at a full sprint but, Felix's large scaly head interrupted her advance. She quickly stopped before she could run into his large stick like teeth. She narrowed her eyes and gave him a quizzed look. Just what did he think he was doing? She ignored the question and attempted to push his head aside. Unfortunately, he did not like this little action. She was sent airborne with a slight flick of his neck.

Makuri was not expecting to be knocked to the ground by a dragon. She started to pick herself back up before anyone noticed. However, a massive weight on her back caused her to reunited with the grass. A set of black claws caged her securely in place. She lifted her head as far as it would stretch to get a good look at her surroundings. Only to be met with one red serpent eye on a black glossy convince. Now, Makuri, was beginning to get annoyed. What the hell was his problem?!

"I'd release me if you don't want this to turn ugly." She threatened, her snarl only adding to its potency.

The only response from the over sized reptile was the flick of it's long, skinny tongue. Her face heated at such an arrogant response. She careful placed her hands beneath her and growled as she began to push. A gap began to appear between her and the ground. However, the more she pushed the stronger the pressure on her back became. Her teeth were clenched firmly shut and beads of sweat dotted her forehead. She had forgotten how strong Felix really was, or perhaps, she had become weaker. Her arms began to shake, she wouldn't be able to handle this for very much longer.

"Now Felix." A pleasant voice rang out above her. "Is that anyway to treat a guest?"

A snake like hiss rattled through the reptiles long throat. In a slow manner the dragon, who she could hardly believe was Felix, lifted his scaly arm off of her. But, Makuri didn't dare move, not with the king being right in front of her. She was once again frightened. Frightened of the fact that she had failed him. Guilt ran through her veins, ripping her heart into pieces. She dragged her eyes up to see that King Julius was giving her a beautiful and welcoming smile. Which, only made her feel worse.

He extended an elegant hand out to her and said with a voice laced with harmony. "Rise Blue. You are not suited for the ground."

She pressed her lips together to keep her words in. But, she took his hand with a quiet. "Thank you."

His lips cracked apart from on the smile that continued to grow. "Anything for our hero."

Those words cut deeper than any knife could. She inhaled to keep from breaking down and pushed on before he could say anything else. "I'm no hero. I failed you and your kingdom."

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