Chapter 18- The Change

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"Ma...." A barely audible voice whispered in Blue's ear.

Ma? Blue lifted her heavy eyelids. Her striking eyes dulled in disappointment. She wasn't where she was supposed to be. She was still trapped in the dark prison.

"Ma...." The female's soothing voice drifted through shadows. However small the voice was, she could still hear the desperation.

"Hello?" Blue hesitantly questioned the rich darkness. She pushed herself off the ground that was surprisingly beneath her. What was happening? It sounded like someone was there with her. She just couldn't understand what she was trying to say.

"Mak...?" She heard the uncertainty in the female's voice. Her voice was beginning to grow stronger.

Damn that arrogant Divine! This was probably his doing! Blue jumped to her feet while snarling at nothing in particular. "I have had enough of your games, Rukus! Let me out of this hell at once!"


The shatter of glass could be heard all around her and she couldn't stop her self from flinching. Blue cautiously spoke to whatever was trapped with her. "H-hello? Who's there?"

"Makuri!" The voice screamed right into her ear.


Blue's eyelids flew open at the sound of the screaming female. She threw off her thick covers and leaped from her bed. Her back slammed into the wall as she scanned her empty room. Her heartbeat leapt into her throat and she could feel her blood violently pumping through her veins. Her breathing was fast and uncontrollable. Was that all a dream? Why was she in her room? She shouldn't even be in the capital.

She forced her self to take steady breaths. She had to focus on how she got here. She had to remember what happened. She tried to shake away her blurred vision but, her vision wasn't the problem. Her hand shot up to her right eye. She felt the soft fibers of cotton brush her finger tips.

Blue rushed to the mirror that stood above her dresser. A patch of cotton was taped over her right eye. Why was this thing here? Was her eye damaged? She didn't remember damaging her eye.

Her hand reached up and tore the bandage off her face. Her eyelid was closed but, she didn't see a wound. Blue pressed her lips together and slowly opened her eye. At first glance it looked completely unharmed. She could even see, which, confused her. If her eye was unharmed why is she wearing this gauze?

Blue leaned in closer to her reflection. There seemed to be something off about her eye. It was faint and it could be a trick of her mind but, she could see gold corrupting her arctic eye. A crack that would be over looked at first or even second glance. The iris around the gold was beginning to crack like the chipping of old paint. It... Fascinated her. Until, she remember who was the cause to it all. This was Rukus's fault.

Movement was seen in the corner of her mirror. Blue slammed the cotton back over her eye and spun around. The shadowy figure reached the last dying rays of the sun as it stood. The golden glow sparked off his scarlet eyes. His black hair refused to reflect the light the sun set free.

Felix? What was he doing here? That's beside the point. He looked terrible, it was as if they left him here to die. Dark circles smudged under his eyes. His hair was a mess, his clothes were wrinkled from neglect. This was the worst she had ever seen a Fae look. He looked exhausted but, with a closer look into his eyes, he seemed broken.

"Felix?" She whispered. She was afraid if she caused to much stress he would crumble right before her. By the Divines. What happened to him?

"You should be in bed." His voice was no louder than her's.

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