Chapter 6- Attack

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The next morning, Blue woke up without too much trouble. Both her arm and shoulder were stiff. She could barely move without feeling the pain of last night. The conversation with Felix came rushing back to her. Although, his behavior was strange, she still got vital information from him. What's even more stranger, he actually had a healer sent to her room. She nearly healed her shoulder completely, it was wrapped just for extra precaution. Her left arm was left in a sling with Blue only being told that she had twisted her wrist. She could have sworn it was broken.

She yawned and stretched out her good arm. Taking in the aromas of the fire kingdom. Perhaps, today wouldn't be too bad but, that's what she always thought when she woke up. She sat upright having a full look at her room. She expected it to be empty. Who she saw made her mouth drop open. Julius? What was he doing here?

He still wore the same fine outfit he had on last night. His white cape drooped over the chair he sat in, leaving the extra fabric to pile around him. His head rested in the palm of his hand. He was sleeping. His breathing came soft and slow. He looked even calmer than he did when he was awake. Did he stay here the entire night? She felt uneasy watching him sleep. She mustered up the courage she had left and spoke. "Julius-"

His eyelids flew open. He was fully alert and looking straight at her. He looked prepared to strike if anything got too close. Realization hit him, the spark in his eyes vanished into sadness. "Good morning, Blue. I apologize for my intrusion."

"No. No." She shook her head as she said this. "It's quite alright. I am only surprised to see you here."

He leaned in closer. "I would have been here last night but, you were already asleep by the time I arrived."

"So, you stayed here until I woke up?"

"I wanted to be the first to figure out what happened to you."

A smile lined her lips. She wished it had been Julius who found her last night. He was telling her he wanted answers and he wanted them now. She was reluctant to, especially after her talk with Felix.

He stood up and sat next to her on the bed. "The only thing I was able to figure out, was that Mira saw the same thing you did. She was scared into silence."

"She saw what attacked me?"

"That is what I believe. You have to tell me what happened."

"It... It was that giant wolf again. Julius, I don't know what it means but, something isn't right."

Her king whipped his head around looking straight at her. A wild gleam sparked in his eyes. "A wolf did this to you?"

"Yes! It's the same one who's been terrorizing my dreams."

"Have you told anyone about this?" His dark, blue eyes sparkled with danger.

"No. I haven't but, your son did try to figure it out last night."

"Good. Let's keep it that way. We don't want something like this to spread through out the castle."

"What do you know about this? What's happening to me?!"

"Nothing is happening to you." The king said to try and calm her nerves. His eyes were soft and patient. "I've told you many times before that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Seeing Spirits here are not uncommon."

"I know but, there is still something missing."

"What's troubling you?"

Her mind kept returning to the words she exchanged with Felix. "My head has been filled with stories, thanks to your son."

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