Chapter 5- Felix?

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Felix's scarlet eyes followed to the door after it shut. He was boiling with rage. How could she do something like that, only to walk out? Lord Alyn was right about her cowering in her own filth. She was intimidated by his deadly presences. Or so he thought.

"Such a strange girl." The lord's smile returned. He placed his chin in the palm of his hand. He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular but, he made sure everyone heard him. "She was all bark and no bite."

His father looked concerned yet, when wasn't he when it came to that mortal. To Felix, he thought his father cared more about her, than his family. He will find the reason why she is here. Only then, can he find a way to get her out of his home.

Out of the corner of his vision, he noticed Mira jerk. She even started to shake. Felix's family knew what was happening, she was having on of her vision. Willow, being the kind hearted sister, placed her hand in between Mira's shoulders. "Mira? Do you wish to leave?"

It was too late. His sister was already too deep inside her mind. However, this vision seemed to be causing her pain. Her breathing became short and fast. Her face grew pale, sweat started beading her forehead. Her eyes grew bigger at what she saw. What did she see?

Something was wrong. The feeling in the room went from annoyance, to a thick uneasiness. The king rose from his chair and rushed to Mira's side. He lifted her from her spot and set her on her feet. His mother watched, continuing on with her dinner.

"Mira. What do you see?" His father couldn't hide the panic in his voice.

Felix couldn't look away. Why did Blue leave in such a hurry? Why is Mira on the verge of tears? Why is his father in such a panic? Mira's words from earlier hit him hard. He looked at the triplets, who only grew pink in the face. He didn't sense any magic leaking from them.

"Mira!" The king snapped. "What do you see!?"

His little sister's bright green eyes trailed to the door. Her mouth opened and closed several times before her small voice was heard. "It's... Watching... Her."

"Who?!" The king shouted. He gave her a shake most likely hoping to snap her from the trance.

It did the opposite. Tears spilled from her eyes. Her heart rate picked up and fear could be sensed throughout the entire room. "Not who... What."

What? Felix was on his feet. Just what did she mean by that? He placed a hand on her soft brown curls causing her to jump. She whipped her head around and he finally saw the full extent of the situation. She ripped from their fathers grip and jumped into his arms. "Brother! You have to go and help her! It's your job. You're the only one who can!"

"Who?" Felix prayed to the Divines that it wasn't the mortal Mira was speaking about.

"It's too late. You'll never make it to her now." The sudden change in her voice made him take several steps back. She looked down in disappointment. Her mouth twisted into a frown, her eyes once again, return to their normal rich green.

Just when he thought everything was going to be fine. The ground beneath them began to vibrate like the surface of a drum. The dishes began to rattle. The chandelier above them started to sway. Piles of dust rained down from the ceiling. An earthquake? No. This was somebody's doing. Felix could sense a hint of power circling around the room. Who's? It seemed so familiar but, he couldn't figure out why.

Slowly everything settled. It didn't last, a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. He listened and heard a high pitched scream along with shattering of glass. He wasn't thinking then, he ran out the door and down the hall. The shattering continued but, the screams did not. He didn't know what to expect. Was that the mortal? He wasn't sure. He was almost positive that he had never heard her scream before.

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