Chapter 13- The Dragon

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They have been on the road for a week now and so far nothing was out of place. They stopped in the same area as expected. Although, they were falling behind. Blue and Felix would have already be there by now. She sighed as they rested their horses for the night. The slowly dying fire flickered softly. Everything barely visible to her eyes. Her ears, however, were hearing much more. Soft footsteps and rustling of leaves danced around them. They entered the enchanted forest today. Blue usual never let the fire die out. She always woke just before she could call it dead.

The only thing that stopped her from getting up was Felix's calm face. He took off the cloth that covered his face once the other three were completely asleep. She kept her ears open. She never felt safe in these woods. It felt more restless than it usually did. It was most likely the prince's fault. He rarely made an appearance here. The Sprites and Brownies knew who he was the moment he entered. How did they not notice him leave? She stared at him, her mouth slipped because of her nerves. "What are you still doing up?"

The corner of his lips tugged upward. As if she said something funny. "I should be the one asking that. You're usual asleep by now."

He would noticed. He probably had all their sleep schedules down. She couldn't imagine what else he's figured out. "The woods are unusually restless. I travel through here a lot but I have never been this uncomfortable."

"They are only curious. They will not harm you." His eyes were the only thing flickering as the fire went out.

She somehow doubted that. They were most likely curious about Felix but, they did not like her being with their future king. She felt more exposed out here than in the castle. This was when she felt alive. This was when she really had to be on her toes. Sleep was far away from her tonight. She looked away from him not letting him look into her eyes. They would tell to much. "Curious is an understatement. More like harassment. I'd rather stay awake and watch what's around me than close my eyes and only see darkness."

A swell of emotion formed in his eyes. Then everything drew to a blank. His voice was flat when he said. "It can't be that bad."

"You'd be surprised. I'm surprised nothing has nipped at my heels yet." Blue tucked her legs in more than she would have liked Felix to see.

Felix chuckled which rattled through the unsuspecting forest. Everything grew quiet, she didn't like it, it gnawed at her stomach. She quickly looked around the pitch black forest. Until, her attention was snapped back from the prince's voice. "I don't think any of them have the guts to touch you at the moment."

His voice bounced off every tree. He didn't sound like a prince at all just now. He sounded much more wilder and far more dangerous. She looked at him with hardly any emotion. What has gotten into him lately? He was acting even stranger than usual. His mood hasn't changed since the incident with Summer. "How can you be so sure of that?"

She could feel the pressure of his gaze burn into her flesh. His voice was filled with mockery. "It's because of the necklace."

The necklace. Blue looked down, it was still were it needed to be. He hadn't mentioned it in over two weeks. He seemed to have dropped the fact that she was wearing it. Her eyes tried to lock with his. Although his were easy to find. They still flickered faintly even though the fire was already long gone. "How is this stopping them?"

"I knew you weren't all that bright. I had no idea you'd be this slow."

How dare he sit there and mock her! She really didn't want to believe what she was being told about it. It wasn't true. Felix would have told her if it was something that serious. Did he really not care that she was wearing something that was made for him? "I am not slow. It's just..."

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