Chapter 21- When Mira calls...

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Julius had canceled her training the next day. Blue was surprising thankful for once. Her head constantly pounded through out the morning. Every so often her eye would throb in pain. Yesterday's events were hazy and unclear but she remembered there being a lot of blood. That morning her curiosity got the better of her. She had to see the state her eye was in. Let's just say she was not happy with what she saw.

The only reason her eye bleed so heavily was because a good chunk of the blue was torn away. Nearly a quarter of her eye was a dazzling gold. The blue closest to the gold was cracked and split open, shockingly revealing more gold. That was the last time she bothered to check her eye. The more she looked it's unnatural beauty, the more nervous she became.

She had nothing to do for the day. She would rather avoid any contact with the immortal species outside her door. Under normal circumstances Blue wouldn't be able to sit still. Now it took all effort just to move from her bed to her couch. Which, was only a few feet apart.

The barely scarred wood still sat in the fire place, but she didn't bother getting up. There was absolutely nothing that could motivated her today.


Her arm that covered her eye fell to cool ground. She could have sworn she heard someone call her name. She looked around her empty bedroom. Still not motivated to sit up properly. She shrugged it off. The voice sounded like it came from within her imagination. Perhaps, a part of her wanted to do something. Or she was going crazy. She snicker at the thought.


She sat up with a quick jerk now regretting her tasteless joke. She gripped the sides of her head as if that could stop it entirely. Hearing it a second time made the thought twice as real. Was it because of her eye? Does her mind become less stable the more the blue breaks away? Had the Divine's cursed her for a doomed life? If that were true she'd hunt Rukus until she took her final breath.

"Blue! Answer me now! I know you're awake!"

The sound of the silent princess's voice had Blue on her feet. She turned and looked in every corner of her still empty bedroom. She forced the unneeded panic back into the shadows of her heart. She licked her dried lips nervously and called out. "Mira? Is that really you?"

The silence only lasted for a moment, but it felt like hours to her. In those short seconds her mind raced from: What if it wasn't Mira? What if her mind was playing tricks on her? What if it were the Divine's playing a sick game with her life?

"Yes it's me!" Mira shouts exploded in her head. "Who else would it be?!"

"No one." Blue mumbled while collapsing back into the comforts of the plush cushions. She breathed out her paranoia with a shaky sigh. This was happening all too fast. Fear was not something she was used to. Even amongst the Fae she never had to watch every dark corner she passed.

Her life thus far had been nothing but normal aside being a tamer. She developed like a mortal, she was neither strong nor fast. She had quick wits and had some talent with a blade, but that was about it. She was a relatively normal human with a few talents she had no control over. She had just enough skill to stay above the surface in this mystical world. They're so subtle the rest of the castle overlooks her flaws as a human. She overlooked her flaws as a human. She was blind.

However, after meeting the Divine of Ice, the very creature who guided her enemies to prosperity, she began to see the differences. His one command was to wake up. Did he want her to question these flaws? What did he want her to do? Had it already been done? Did it have anything to do with her eye? There were to many unanswered questions.

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