Chapter 10- To Slay the Beast...

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A chaotic knock sounded just before the sun rose. Blue was stirred from her sleep from the annoying repeated tapping. She slowly forced her eyes open. She realized it was twilight, the darkest and most quietest part of the night. "Who is it?" She asked with a growl. She flung the covers off and placed her bare feet on the cold ground.

"It's Lillian. I've come to give you a message from the king." Lillian's distinctive voice echoed through the door.

She was on her feet racing across the room to reach her door. Lillian, who looked like she was just dragged out of bed, stood in front of her looking exhausted. Blue smiled weakly, she didn't know whether to let her in or leave her standing. So she asked. "How important is it?"

Lillian stifled a yawn, her eyes watered in the process. "My apologies. The king wanted you to know that three other beast tamers have arrived. He says to get ready and that your horse is being prepared as we speak. His Majesty will be waiting for you in front of the castle, with the rest."

Blue's excitement spiked. Finally, after a long over due wait, she will be going far away from Aniellia. She was starting to get sick of all the royal chaos. She was ready, she wouldn't let anything slip by her. She wouldn't be doing this alone. Felix had been a lot of help this past couple of days. He'd warn her if saw or heard anything suspicious. She thanked Lillian for taking her time to tell her and shut the door. She took one deep breath before her eyes sparked in the dark room.

She pulled out a bag crafted finely with deer skin. At least, she thought it was deer skin. She didn't care either way, she left it on her dresser for easy access. It wasn't easy to find and she knew she'd be leaving any day, at any time. Blue ran into her closet and threw her nightgown to the floor. She found a pair of black riding leggings and a loss shirt. She was preparing for the heat that threatens once the sun rises. Blue shoved an extra pair of clothes for when she arrived. She strapped her leather belt around her waist that carried her silver daggers.

Her eyes lifted to light armor all in black. The other tamers would be wearing their own. But, then she wouldn't be able to bare the heat if she put that on. She crammed it into her bag, stuffing the bag completely. It was fine, she supposed. Everything else she could carry on her. She took her stuffed coin purse after digging around for it. She need to fix this problem when she gets back. She tied it tightly to the leather belt and gave it a couple test tugs. She leaped across the room to reach her sword. Like always it rested across her back. She reached for the onyx dragon that she never took off. What else does she need?

Her line of sight landed on her bow that sat abandoned in the corner. She sighed, taking the time to grab the quivers and bow. She knew she would need them at one point. The quivers rested on the sword and the bow was left to be carried. She took one last glance to make sure nothing was forgotten. When she was mostly positive, she stepped out and locked her door behind her.

Blue walked down the still deserted halls. Only a handful of Faes scurried about, doing whatever needed to be done. Like herself, as she headed for the main entrance of the castle. Where she knew Julius waited. It was a long walk from her room. She had to go down countless flights of stairs and track through what felt like miles of halls.

She sighed with relief when she finally arrived. She pushed the massive wooden doors open. The doors were far bigger than the library's. Out under the pre-dawn sky she saw Julius looking down and out at his very own front yard. A massive field stretched before them. She stood next to her king in silence. She could barely see the group of people who sat atop of their horses.

Julius was first to break the silence. By saying something she already knew. "Your horse is out there waiting with them."

She cracked a smile while folding her arms. She watched them in the dark or, tried to. "Is Felix waiting as well? Or am I waiting for him?"

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