Where Magician Babies Come From...

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Mana could barely even believe what was going on, while the actual events and actions they were going to see and do were quite ordinary, at least for anyone with access to the archives, the goal of such discoveries and the prospect of them happening did continue to scare her. What if Guru found some impossible connection to some rare clan, what if she found out that she had some super amazing ability hidden inside of her, what if Mana would find out that she wasn't actually the child of her parents? That would undoubtedly have caused more pain, not made up for the pain caused by Ayushi's honesty previously.

"Hello there, young Sir," Ayushi spoke up interacting with the slightly aged gentleman in charge of watching the archives, the man looked like he could've used some sleep as his half greyed out hair was messy and his striped black and white shirt was covered with wrinkles and one of his suspenders was on the edge of slipping off.

"I'd argue about the "young" part but you're quite welcome to the archives if you have permission to be here, how can I help?" the man answered, he didn't appear to be affected by Ayushi's presence whatsoever, perhaps so because he too believed the man to be some prank pulling teen who transformed into a world known celebrity the picture of whom he found in some textbook of his.

"Well when you can recall the War of the Moon and the Earth going on when you were in your cradle with your mother covering your puny and weak baby body with her exhausted motherly figure so that the Moon which was about to crash into the Earth didn't crush you, you'd reevaluate that argument..." Ayushi joked grabbing his belly in laughter. Judging from the look of the archive worker, the man was beginning to piece things together.

"Wait... Did you say the War of the... Holy crap, you're actually him, aren't you!" the man exclaimed jumping up so quickly that his geeky glasses almost fell off. Ayushi giggled like a little girl in his fist.

"Sadly I am, I'd be someone else if given the choice and wouldn't have to shoulder all those desperate cries of people who refuse to rely on their own strength or strength of the new generation, asking that I solve all their problems instead... Sorry, I babble sometimes, yes, I am me, in that much, I am sure, although now when I say that... Who am I as a person and who are you? How do we..."

Mana slowly crept up to the man and gently pulled on his rag. Ayushi got the clue and stopped talking giggling again into his fist. While the man appeared to be acting like a schoolgirl placed in an old man's body by some mind replacement jutsu, for a moment Mana did admire the size of his fist, the great Guru probably could've punched out a horse with that effortlessly...

The magician nodded her head with a respectful bow in front of the archive worker and gestured at Ayushi. "The great Guru Ayushi would like to explore the archives, there is a question that plagues his wise mind, one that could be answered if permission to enter the archives was granted" she explained.

The archive keeper didn't appear overly fond of the request. The man carelessly fixed his glasses and reached below the table, reaching for a weapon without a doubt. It didn't seem like he wished to start a fight, he must've just felt defensive when cornered by a ninja and someone posing, quite skillfully, as Guru Ayushi. No! The man lunged out leaping over the table slashing at Mana with giant scissors, he wielded two sets in each hand, one was sent Mana's way quite carelessly, just to cut her and show her that this was serious business, the other one opened up to straight up cut Ayushi's head off.

Mana leaped back avoiding the strike, she wasn't expecting it but the man didn't mean to hit her that hard so it helped. She removed a kunai knife from her weapon pouch and got ready to block any follow-up attacks. The archive man's scissor blades snapped together driving the blades deep into Ayushi's neck and sending streams of blood down the man's neck. The girl was standing there speechless, as the blood of the holy man dripped on the ancient carpet she was shaking in disbelief. How the mission could have gone so wrong, how could she have failed it so badly? Where did this even come from!? The archive keeper just snapped out of nowhere!

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