Trouble Stew

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Loud thuds emanated in pitch total blackness, several pigeons resting on a small roof structure took off, feeling threatened by those booming sounds coming from inside the small inn in Tanzaku town. What transpired in that small room had nothing to do with the pigeons, in fact, one could've boldly claimed that the men causing the ruckus couldn't have cared less about some winged rats and may have considered their existence as a nuisance at best.

The inn room belonged to a small vendor owner. His name didn't matter, nor did any other details of his life. After all, he was no one special, he was born in a family of vendor owners and he never showed too much talent or skill in anything ninja-related, he was never in prime physical condition yet he had above average talent for managing a business, or so his parents may have thought. Truth be told his "talent for making business decisions" was more due to what his "friends" did to make their bread.

"I am telling you, it's not yet time for my payment, you're a month early. Some ninja gambled all the money off, I only have what Nabagu lost to me. I can give you guys everything back!"

The people inside his home did not lay a finger on the man himself, they were instead thrashing his room, tearing it apart with their bare hands, sometimes employing thick staffs when a more delicate touch was needed. These men were well adjusted to survive as hired muscle in a world where travelers packed incredible weapons to defend themselves and children could spit fire and cover their blades with the power of lightning. They could've torn a building apart with their bare hands brick by brick and still be able to mix the melting sugar in their tea delicately afterward.

"It's not the money that Boss wants, his enforcer had to prance around Tanzaku with his little ding-ling covered by just a piece of board and an old spinster's laundry. It's safe to assume that the Boss is a little bit peeved, see? Distressed... Worried... Absolutely livid he would say..."

The man to the right of the person trying to keep the conversation alive shoved his arm into a wall and carefully and slowly walked to the other side of the room crumbling the wall down, it was like his very skin was made of steel.

"And I'm telling you guys, it's not my fault, it was his decision to gamble against a ninja girl dressed in a full set of armor. It was clear the whole time that he won't out-hammer her but he kept going. I don't see what my part in his issues is!" the vendor owner yelled out trying to stop the muscle-heads from tearing his apartment apart.

The well-dressed gentleman keeping up the conversation with the man lifted a gentleman's cane blocking the vendor owner's path to approaching the brute who was crushing all of his eggs in his fridge with his fingers who were large enough to fit an egg in between of them.

"Don't get your pants in a twisty now, ya goose, we all know that good old Nabagu likes to get plastered, or as sophisticated peeps say – abuse some bad substances. He isn't in the most reasonable of moods when he does so and let's just say prancing around the town with his weenie getting filled with splinters from the board he stole from a fence of an old lady isn't even the worst thing he's done"

The talkative mobster wrapped his hand around the vendor owner's neck and pushed the man in closer to his own mouth. Mostly to let it be known to the man of the great importance of his words.

"Now... You see where I'm going, obviously when one of Boss' enforcers goes on pirouetting around the place with a splinter and board tutu on his waist half naked that puts a bad image on the Boss' face and... Well... Boss dislikes having a bad image, he's sensitive in that area"

Another giant mobster, so tall and bulky that his frame couldn't even fit into the room was desperately looking for something else to smash but couldn't find anything at all, all things considered, the vendor owner was taking the complete obliteration of his home quite well. That being said, it wasn't because he was a calm and collected person nor because he was afraid, it was because with the Boss' support behind him he could've made all of this loss back in no time.

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