The Violent Warrior Clan of Iwa

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A happy child ran down the stage, his large childish eyes were so close to watering but those wouldn't have been tears of sadness or depression as it was common in this world filled with murder and death. He was rushing down the stage from being called up the stage as a volunteer for Mana's magic show, it was then that the girl's eyes fell on a familiar face in the public. Normally she'd have proceeded to the main point of the show but now she pretty much had to call that little kid on stage as well.

"I know how much you guys want to see me try and kill myself by locking myself into something I set on fire but there's a very special little girl I want to call on stage. Please stay with me for another warm-up trick, will you?" she smiled nodding while looking the little girl right in the eyes. The kid couldn't believe it for a moment, it was only once the girl's parents nudged her and encouraged her to go on and get on stage that she ran holding a plushy rabbit in her arms.

"Ease up on the grip, little one, you'll tear your friend's head off..." Mana joked as the girl made it on the stage. The magician had met the little toddler and her parents in the junk district way back, back when she and her team shut down criminal activity in that region. 

She invited the girl to see her show for free and informed all the hall officials of that deal, there were plenty of people that the magician let see her show for free and it wasn't anything special for them. While the magician occasionally did jarringly bad for business decisions her audience was growing so fast that it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Ever since Mana decided to use her loss of chakra manipulation as a sign that she needed to use that effort and time of her life in other places, like her cooking hobby, her reading out and most importantly – her magic shows, Mana's shows were exploding in popularity. At the moment there couldn't have been a single Konohagakure villager who didn't know who Mana was or at least hasn't seen her face on a poster somewhere. She beat all the actors and movie stars that usually were around the place.

Recently this new trend of entertainment hit the hall, Hiro, the owner of the hall, decided to buy a giant screen on which some sort of pre-recorded material was displayed. Mana had never seen anything like it in her life but Hiro thanked her and the profit from her shows publically as a factor that helped him bring cinema to Konohagakure. Initially, Mana lost a lot of people to this booming cinema trend but as the time went the boom calmed down and her audience started growing again in a quite solid rate. It was amazing how much could've happened and how much could've changed in just a couple of months...

The little girl started whining on the stage before breaking into tears. This was something Mana couldn't have predicted. Her face twisted in that weird emotion that one always feels when they mess something up in public, on the most public stage of the village one might argue! The magician slipped her hat off, letting it playfully roll down her arm until Mana's quick hand grabbed the edge of it and then quickly put her hand inside of it, popping a smoke bomb she pulled from out of her sleeve that made a loud sound which surprised the little crying girl and made her snap out of her tears of happiness.

"Let's see if I can make a friend for your rabbit pal..." Mana smiled winking for the little girl as she popped a light bomb inside the hat, one she had especially stuffed with confetti before. Editing the contents of a ninja tool was difficult, pressure made them activate, something as delicate as pressing them with both fingers would've popped it and made it wasted so cutting it and adding content inside was pretty much like brain surgery.

The girl looked in awe at the light show which Mana had prepared and as the girl pulled out an ace card from her hat which came from Mana's pocket, the magician found a chance to reach for it in all the light show and confetti flying around which attracted the most of everyone's attention. 

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