Stars that Died Out

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To a neutral observing party it would not have appeared that Jiou was at all worried about this towering man emanating mysterious dark shroud and staring straight into the petrified eyes of Regalia. The young woman gently slipped off the chair she was sitting on and prepared to bolt. Right before her mad dash towards the door began her hand was gently caught and stopped, Jiou softly turned her face at his own and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Is this any way to live a life? Running? Leaving everyone around you to die? I shall free you of this life and then you must promise to be my wife" the Uchiha prodigy whispered to her. Regalia's face, petrified with fear, nodded in agreement.

The giant demonic man took a step forward before a scythe bounced off of his body leaving a shallow gash. A long-haired man stepped in front of him and pulled the scythe back as it was held on a long steel wire. No blood dripped out from the man's wound, it appeared like the scythe barely even cut through his skin.

"Protect the Kazekage!" Akasuna Mugao, the man who would become the next Kazekage after the one being inaugurated that day died of lung sickness years later ordered the other Jounin gathered at the ball. A couple of dozens of Sharingan activated in a crowd of Jounin as the ninja gathered at the party surrounded the infernal giant who just waltzed into the ball and committed a casual yet most foul murder.

"Your chakra is too bland to satisfy me, step aside" a strong toned voice came off of the three-meter tall giant who had to hunch slightly to fit into the room. The cut on his chest closed almost instantly as the skin tied together with other strands of skin. The voice of Regalia's demonic pursuer seemed to be quite convincing as Chuunin and even Jounin took steps back in intimidation despite most of Sunagakure's elite ninja being inside the ballroom.

"If my chakra infused scythe cannot hurt you, let's see how you like the toughest armor and the sharpest blade in the Universe – the Neutron Shogun!" Mugao's fingers twitched as his tuxedo got torn apart, steel parts shot from under his formal attire and covered the young Jounin up building bulk and size to match that of the mysterious giant who was his opponent.

"A man dressing in tin foil to avoid being crushed by forces he does not understand, step aside before I am forced to strip you apart limb by limb..." the giant exclaimed calmly placing his fist up in front as if threatening to punch the hulking armor of Mugao's. And an impressive structure it was – a dark red glowing steel alloy shaped and modeled after the typical armor a shogun of Iron Country wore, bits and pieces of the armor glowed as if miniature fusion reactions transpired on the armor firing off jets of pure unrestrained energy.

The armor shot forward with a cocked back fist as it emitted a cybernetic roar. It moved so fast that windows exploded in bits and pieces of glass and the floor below it set on fire, walls cracked and the roof started dropping rubble. The civilians had started to flee long before the first punch was thrown however and the ninja inside were fully able to take care of themselves.

A blinding all covering flash was emitted from the armor's blow, a shockwave fired out digging deep into the ground below but before it created an abyss reaching the planet's core it was soon absorbed by the man it was aimed at in its entirety and barely managed to decimate the marble floor the two stood on. The other ninja leaped back to avoid the all-destroying aftermath of the armor's crushing blow. Mugao was one of the most powerful ninja in the village and the assailant was a fool to pick a fight with him and not even bother dodging his blow.

After the blinding flash of light cleared up and all the smoke settled down the giant just stood there with his chest placed still, the armored fist collided with the man leaving not even a single dent on him. Mugao's armor could not even move, the man inside was shaking in shock and disbelief.

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