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[Bloodtear's POV]

"How much longer do we wait?" Maplefur asked getting bored. She had already sent her new apprentice, Robinpaw, to go train with Hawkwing and Fawntail so we could talk.

"Just until he becomes an apprentice. Hawkfeather has to be a leader though." I told her before heading to watch the training. I had to make sure they were teaching him how to kill a leader with nine lives just in case Hawkfeather gets his nine lives before Robinpaw could kill him.

"That's going to be a long time. It's still another four moons then we have to wait another one for Hawkfeather to be leader." Maplefur complained following after me quickly. She sat by me and watched the apprentice train against both of the cats.

"Yes, but when Hawkfeather is announced leader Tinykit comes to us. We will make her turn against her family." I told her. I watched as Robinpaw slid under Fawntail to get away easily. Thankfully the small apprentice could do that.

"As long as that Aquakit doesn't get in the way we will have her. Don't forget about him. He will be powerful one day." She said. I looked to her a little confused. I pawed at the ground so I could see the sleeping figure of the kit. I could feel that he would be powerful but have a major weakness.

"Yes, but that is where Darkkit comes in. He will trick her to come with her. They will get rid of Aquakit and if she doesn't he will." I told her and kept looking to the kit. I moved back to looking at Tinykit. The small tabby shecat laid against Flamefur. I hissed under my breath just looking at the shecat. She was a traitor. She didn't deserve those kits and that was why I was going to take them away from her one by one starting with Tinykit.

"What if she doesn't listen to him? Aquakit could convince her not to." She said and kept looking to both of them. I flicked my tail to her her.

"For being the deputy you sure ask a lot of questions. Maybe I should find another cat to be my deputy." I teased her. I would never replace her. I loved her to much to even really think about it. I only said it so she would stop asking so many questions about the plan. She knew the plan would work.

"No! I'll stop then." She smirked to me. I chuckled a little and went back to watching Robinpaw. He was going to be an amazing warrior and an even better leader. He was going to rule with darkness. No one would find it out though. I wasn't going to allow it. He had a great destiny in front of him. He had to be the leader. If he wasn't it was going to change everything. I still had to find the perfect apprentice to give him when he's a warrior so he can be the deputy when poor little Seastar is killed. I would find one in time though. It wouldn't be that hard.


I'm evil aren't I? I'm sorry! I had to start it off with this. It will explain more for the next book. I am going to have to slow this one down a little more. I want to end this and have Tinykit still a kit. I can't wait for this though! I'm hoping I don't speed ahead to much. Once again, if you want a cat in the book just tell me. I would gladfully add them right away (or as soon as I can). Well I hope you liked this chapter? Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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