Chapter 29

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[Bluesnow's POV]

Ha! Those fools don't even know it's me. I have easily possessed that stupid shecat that they cared so much about. I wasn't really sure who to kill first but I made a great first kill. Now I needed to kill more. Just who should I kill? Maybe I could do a different clan. I liked those better. They didn't scream. I hadn't been able to kill anyone from DepthClan because of the screaming. I hadn't really tried to kill them yet anyways. I just simple scared them to see how they would handle it. It didn't go good at all.

'No, get it together Malvagio.' I hissed in my thoughts. I couldn't let any cat know what I was doing. I carefully sneaked past the two guards on duty and headed out into the woods. I just had to pick a victim. Maybe I could do a queen from TideClan or maybe someone from EverClan. I felt like I already did enough to MapleClan as it is. I have already killed the deputy and leader, well the old ones at least. It really wasn't that hard. I even made a little sound to make it look like that one apprentice did it. The old leader was even easier. I just had to knock out the apprentice and kill the leader. The apprentice was harder than I thought so I did move him.

I decided I would go over to EverClan and reek some havoc over to them. I padded through the forest quickly as I headed to the EverClan border. I soon found my favorite patch of onions and rolled in them a little to mask my scent then headed to a nearby mud puddle. That also was used to mask my fur. I had forgotten to do that with Flashstar so there was a little bit of my fur in his claws. It shouldn't matter to much anyways. Those cats were blind.

Soon I saw the one queen of EverClan and crept up on her. She looked like she was just stretching her legs so it wouldn't be that hard to completely kill her. My blue eyes twitched back to blood red like they were suppose to do. I watched the queen for a while. I wasn't completely sure what her name was but I was almost certain that it was Goldwing. I remembered that the one queen's mate was Lionshine and they had four kits. I wasn't sure on their names but they were probably weird.

'Focus!' I hissed to myself under my breath. That's when Goldwing perked her ears up scared. I had to attack now before she went back to their camp. I quickly sprang at her. She was surprised and looked to surprise to say anything. That was way better because she wouldn't scream at all. I slashed her throat easily and then walked back as she choked on her last breath.

"W-wh-o ar-are y-you?" She choked out. I waited a moment to see if I wanted to say who I was or not. She was going to die and not remember anyways.

"I'm Malvagio, a killer." I hissed quickly easily to her. "And your Goldwing if I'm not mistaken." I sneered laughing more. I really was evil and it wasn't that hard. I was just born like that I guess.

"Y-ye-yes!" She choked out again. I laughed more and slashed her face a couple more times to finish the job. It didn't take long until she wasn't breathing anymore. I smirked and started to walk away. I was done for the night and I needed to get back before anyone realized I was gone.

I headed back to the border and jumped into the little creek that created the border. I had to get all the mud and onion smell off of me. I washed it all away and kept walking. It didn't take long until I was back in my nest and going back to sleep.


Bonus chapter is next! I have a better idea for it and I'm not going to have it like the last couple. I can't believe this is the last real chapter. I will probably have the bonus chapter up tomorrow at the most. It depends on when I actually finish it. I hope you liked this chapter and this book. I can't wait to get started on the next book!! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! Thanks!

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