Chapter 26

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[Cheetahpelt's POV]

I walked by some other cats with Tigerstripe as I kept looking for Silverhawk. I knew he had to be here. He was the deputy anyways so he should be here unless he was sick! What if he was sick or to hurt to come? Tigerstripe kept walking not seeming to really care. I stayed by him till I saw a little bit of silver fur. I wasn't completely sure who it was until they tackled Tigerstripe.

"I missed you Tigerkit." The silver cat laughed like a little kit. I remember that! It was when we first found Silverhawk at the gathering. Tigerstripe started to laugh and so did I.

"It's Tigerstripe now." Tigerstripe growled playfully and pushed Silverhawk off of him. Silverhawk kept laughing.

"Well I'm Silverstar now." He said getting up slowly. Wait, so my brother was a leader now? My eyes widened and I looked at Tigerstripe seeing what his reaction would be.

"Wait, so your a leader now? Your the leader of MapleClan?" Tigerstripe asked kinda confused. Then he tackled Silverstar. "My brother is a leader!" He cheered. I laughed and got Tigerstripe off of Silverstar. It was weird that our brother was a leader and we were both still warriors.

"Yea, sadly Flashstar has been killed." He sighed and looked down after Tigerstripe got off of him. I nudged him comfortablely trying to make him happy.

"Don't be sad big brother. You will be an amazing leader." I told him softly. I couldn't stand it when any of my siblings were upset.

"Thanks Cheetahpelt. I best be getting back to the other leaders. There is only one more thing." He said getting more quiet. I nodded and Tigerstripe stayed by me.

"What is it?" He asked quietly. I wasn't really sure why we were having to be quiet but it must be important.

"Well Flashstar was murdered. We only have one clue and it's.... It's white fur." Silverstar sighed and looked down. Wait, white fur. Well I only knew two cats with white fur. Those two are Bluesnow and Snowstar.

"You aren't saying..." I couldn't continue to scared that he would say yes. I guess he knew what I meant because he kept talking.

"Yes, I am suspecting Bluesnow. I, I even saw her in StarClan." He stuttered a little and blinked away some tears.

"B-but we just saw her!" Tigerstripe snapped a little. I kinda forgot how protective he is with his sisters. Silverstar backed up a little.

"No, no you didn't. You saw the cat that is possessing her. She isn't dead though. She is locked out of her body and can't leave StarClan. You two have to save her." Silverstar said and kept shifting back and forth.

"We will. We have to. Now, go back to the other leaders and move on with the gathering." I told him softly. Tigerstripe just nodded not able to say anything.

"Thank you brothers. How is Flamefur? I don't see her. Also, how is Metalclaw?" Silverstar asked quickly.

"Metalclaw is gone for now. He said he needed to find peace after killing Bloodstar. Flamefur, well she's been going crazy as each day passes. I don't think she can survive that long without Metalclaw here. I guess he was the only thing keeping her sane and now that he's gone. There is nothing holding her back." Tigerstripe said looking down.

"How are Moonflash and the your kits?" I asked him. I needed to know how my other part of the family is.

"She's going great. It's just a little hard on her when Flashstar died but she's going to make it. The kits are making so much trouble but that's normal for them." Silverstar laughed a little. He looked like a regular warrior again and not a leader. I wonder what was making him so nervous. Was it something that Bluesnow said? No, he would tell us if it was.


Yay! Another chapter done! Only three more left and then bonus chapter. Wow, it's not much more. I can't believe that. Well I am also getting more busy with basketball because now I'm with two teams and the practices are one after another. It's going to be hard for me to keep up but I'll try my best. I hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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