Chapter 7

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[Metalclaw's POV]

I lead my small patrol to the MapleClan border. Lionsun and Cheetahpelt walked behind me quietly. It was quiet for once which was good. It was also peaceful. I hadn't been able to just think in silence for a while. I was always either with my kits or out training with Midnightpaw. I stopped in my tracks just as I scented something. That something wasn't prey, it was something else. I turned back to Cheetahpelt and Lionsun and they had already stopped too.

"You scent it too?" Lionsun asked quietly. I nodded and looked around trying to pinpoint the scent. The only problem was that it was all around us. I backed up next to them ready to attack.

"It's a fox," Cheetahpelt said with his voice quaking a little. I could tell he was scared. I knew he hated fighting and didn't fight well.

"I think it's more then one," I growl slightly as I kept looking around seeing if I could see any of them. I couldn't see any red fur yet. That could be good but it could also be bad.

"That's not helping!" He hissed back at my. I turned to him and help up my head a little.

"You have one of the best fighters that the Dark Forest had, you should be fine even against ten foxes." I smirked and turned back to the trees around us and growled loudly. I wasn't going to let anything hurt my family. I didn't care if Lionsun wasn't part of it. I had to protect her too.

"Don't be too cocky," Lionsun growled at me. I rolled my eyes. I finally saw some red fur of the foxes and crouched into an attacking position. I soon saw three other foxes. Cheetahpelt backed up a little more.

"We will be fine. Cheetahpelt, somehow you have to get back to camp. You are the quickest one of us three. We will need help." I quickly tell him. He nodded and looked around for an opening.

"I'll be back soon. Stay safe." He told me. I nodded and he jumped up onto the trees and started to run across the branches. I saw one fox head after him.

"Hey ugly! Don't you want a prey that doesn't run!" I yowled to that fox. I couldn't afford any foxes to go to the camp. Not with so many kits there.

Thankfully the fox turned its head to me and came at me. All I could do now was defend myself and Lionsun. Lionsun crouched down. I glanced to her. I could easily tell she was still scared.

"Climb a tree, they can't get you there. I'll be fine. Just stay close but get high enough that you can't get hurt." I told her. She nodded and climbed up the closest tree. I took a quick breath just before a fox attacked me. I growled fiercely and reached up to his neck and bit down. He whimpered and I could get up finally. I stopped biting down and started to circle the fox. Unlucky for me another one attacked me. This wasn't going to be easy taking on four foxes at once but it was possible for me.

"Metalclaw!" Lionsun yowled from her branch. She had two of the foxes under her. That meant I only had two of them. I could try to get those two away then work on the other two.

"I'll be alright. Shiningdeath! I need you now!" I yowled to the sky for my father. It would be a little easier attacking them if I had him by my side.


Another chapter complete. I hope you like these chapters. If you have any other ideas for any chapters in this book tell me. I would love to know so I could add them. Well don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! They are highly appreciated.

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