Chapter 2

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[Bluesnow's POV]

I couldn't wait till the gathering that was only in a few days! Two days before the gathering my kits would all be apprentices and I could go back to being a warrior. I couldn't wait! I could finally get out of the nursery-which was actually the apprentice den- and go back to the warrior den. I watched as Burningkit and Rosekit played together. I was also very glad it was almost bare-leaf. I loved the snow. I just wasn't so sure about it with all the kits. If any of the caught whitecough it could kill them easily.

"Bluesnow? Are you okay?" Summerkit asked me. I looked down to my little kit. I was glad she was back from the dark forest. Her eyes still hung with sorrow but other than that she was still herself. She would laugh and play around with her siblings a lot. She blinked her Amber eyes up to me.

"Yes, I am fine Summerkit. I was just thinking." I smiled to her and leaned down to lick her head. She squealed and leaped away. I growled playfully and chased after her. It was nice to act like a kit again. I don't think I ever got to play much as a kit. I was always with Cheetahpelt when we were kits making sure he was alright.

"You're never going to get me!" She laughed as she kept running. I chased after her still and noticed that her other siblings started to join her. I kept laughing. I guess we were now playing cat and mouse except there was a lot of mice and only one cat.

"I'm going to get you all!" I said teasingly. I just made them run faster. I stayed after Summerkit until I knew I couldn't keep running after her. Then I went after Stripekit since he was one of the slower ones. I was determined to catch one of them even if that meant running till we all passed out.

I slowly gained on Stripekit. He turned his head back to me and squealed in surprise on how close I was. He turned back and ran harder. If he didn't see how close I was to him I probably could of got him. Now that he was running even harder there was barely anyway I could get him. I pushed my legs to the limit but not running for a while had made me slower.

"Ahh! She's going to get me!" Stripekit squealed as he kept running. I laughed a little and kept running. He took a sharp right and I almost couldn't make it. I slid a little on the dirt as I tried to make a hard right but I end up falling on my side. My side lifted and fell quickly as I was trying to get my breath back. I looked up a little and saw Summerkit, Stripekit, Rosekit, Burningkit, and Fluffykit all sitting in front of me just far enough away so I couldn't reach them.

"That's mean!" I protested and got up slowly. I decided just to lie back down. "Well, actually, I'm going to lie back down." I yawned a little.

"Awwww! Come on Bluesnow! Play with us!" Rosekit begged me. I shook my head and closed my eyes to tired to say anything.


I hope you liked it. Comment what you think if you want. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! They are both appreciated very much! Also, I'm only posting this now because I'm about to fall asleep. I'll respond to any comments when I get up. I'm actually thinking of taking a break from writing right now because of some things.

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