Chapter 23

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[Spokenstar's POV]

I realized it was the night of the gathering tonight. I hopped up to the High Rock looking over the clan. I wasn't really sure who to take yet I just knew I had to have a strong amount. I had to make it look like we are still strong after the attack. It was just going to be hard to figure out who to pick. I wanted some apprentices since it would be their first time. Then I saw Nightmoon hop up next to me.

"Spokenstar, don't forget that Featherfall's kits are six moons now." She said to me as I looked over the camp. I sighed. I had completely forgotten that they were six moons today.

"Thank you," I told her quickly. She nodded and stayed by me. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey here beneath the High Rock for a Clan Meeting." I yowled. All the cats started to come out of their dens slowly. I kept an eye on Bluesnow. She had been acting weird and I wasn't sure what it was.

"We are gathered today for two reasons. Three kits are ready to become apprentices and I have to pick cats for the gathering. Now, Dustykit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dustypaw. Your mentor will be Firestream. I hope Firestream will pass down all he knows on to you." I purred to the kit then turned to Firestream.

"Firestream, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Embercloud, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and brave. You will be the mentor of Dustypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Dustypaw." I told him.

The ginger tom padded up to the new apprentice and touched his nose to the apprentice's nose. Dustypaw walked back to his mother and father while his siblings waited patiently. I smiled to them and looked down to them.

"Flykit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flypaw. Your mentor will be Cheetahpelt. I hope Cheetahpelt will pass down all he knows on to you." I purred. I knew he deserved an apprentice and would be a good teacher to Flypaw.

"Cheetahpelt, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Darkstripe, and you have shown yourself to be courageous and honest. You will be the mentor of Flypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Flypaw." I watched as Cheetahpelt made his way to Flypaw. The apprentice could barely wait. They both touched noses and Flypaw went back to his siblings. That just left Airkit.

"Airkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Airpaw. Your mentor will be Tigerstripe. I hope Tigerstripe will pass down all he knows on to you. Tigerstripe, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Nightmoon, and you have shown yourself to be strong and cunning. You will be the mentor of Airpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Airpaw." I purred quickly then looked through the cats to figure out who to take.

"Dustypaw! Flypaw! Airpaw! Dustypaw! Flypaw! Airpaw!" The crowd of cats cheered giving me more time to think. I had to wonder who to really take. I wanted some of the strongest warriors but also leave a couple strong warriors back at camp.

"Now, I will be taking Nightmoon, Novastep, Sparklight, Cheetahpelt, Tigerstripe, Embercloud, Leafwhisker, Angelwing, Midnightsplash, Fluffypaw, Rosepaw, Burningpaw, Flypaw, and Airpaw. The rest of you stay here and protect the camp just in case of an attack. I will call those of you that are going when we are about to go." I told them then headed to my den to think for a while.


Double update! Yay! I was going to add Flamefur in that but I thought she should stay back with her kits. The next chapter will be from Novastep's most likely because I want her to remember the old prochey from book 1 about Tinykit following Flamefur's steps. Then the next chapter after that might be either Snowstar's POV, Cheetahpelt's POV, or Tigerstripe's POV. I'm not really sure yet. Well, I hope you like the chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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