Chapter 3

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[Embercloud's POV]

I was out on a hunting patrol this time. I just think Nightmoon likes keeping me out of camp because I'm almost always on a patrol somehow. Maybe she didn't want me in the camp for some reason. I didn't know what reason she could even have though. I was pretty good in the camp. I would help whoever I could and with all the hunting I did, I filled most of the food kill pile. This patrol I was with Metalclaw, Tuxheart, and Firepaw. An all toms patrol was awesome! We had separated into two teams to try to catch even more prey. I was with Firepaw, naturally since he was my apprentice though he was almost a warrior. Metalclaw went with Tuxheart no matter how much he protested.

I watched as Firepaw went after a rabbit. He stayed low to the ground being careful not to hit the ground with his tail. He kept his mouth open just a little to see if he could scent anything else that might scare the rabbit away. His ears kept turning just like an owl's would. I tried my best not to laugh as I watched him. It wasn't that he wasn't doing it right, it was just the way he was doing it. I had learned just to leave it since he was a very good hunter. He carefully stalked closer to the rabbit just close enough so he could easily reach it with one giant leap.

He pressed himself farther down so he could get a better left off. The rabbit didn't seem to notice since it was enjoy it's time still alive eating some grass. I turned my head back to Firepaw just as he jumped off the ground. The rabbit's ears shot up and it stared up in horror. It was to late when it was Firepaw sadly. The rabbit was already in his claws and he was delivering the final blow. Soon the rabbit went limp in his paws. I nodded to him happily.

"Good job, I was trying not to laugh because I was watching the rabbit. You did an amazing job though!" I praised him. He puffed out his chest a little with pride then went to bury the rabbit next to a tree so we could get it later. He put a couple of claw marks on the tree so we could figure out which one it was before we went back to hunting.

"I scented a mouse nearby before but I don't know if it's still here." He told me. I nodded. I was going to take this one. I parted my mouth open just a tad so I could scent the mouse. It took me a second to find the scent but after I found it I followed it. Firepaw stayed back a little knowing how I stayed back when he was about to catch his rabbit. I saw the mouse nibbling on a berry. I crouched down. Thankfully I was large enough that from where I was I could jump and kill the mouse easily.

I pushed off the ground. I heard the berry hit the ground and the next thing I heard was the squeals of the mouse. I smirked a little and bit down to deliver the last blow which would kill it. Pretty soon it went limp and I smiled. I headed under a tree and made a small hole to put it in. I then covered it and put some slashes on the tree that had the hole. I went back to hunting with Firepaw quickly.


Well, I hope you liked this chapter! I tried my best but I'm not good with hunting things. It was easier to write though. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! They are both highly appreciated.

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