Chapter 18

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[Embercloud's POV]

I saw Flamefur come back into the camp alone. I was confused why she was alone. Hadn't she gone to get Metalclaw? I didn't want to push her though. She was a tough shecat and could claw my ears off if she was in a bad mood. She even looked like she was in a bad moon, maybe more of a sad mood though. Her Amber eyes looked more pale then ever before, more shaken then when she was fighting, and more broken then I've ever seen in a cat. She looked even worse than when I had to leave Doveflame. I still missed my little sister. I was proud of her though. She was now just the medicine cat of MapleClan. She even had an apprentice that she was training!

"Metalclaw is going for a while. He told me I couldn't even go with him." Flamefur told Spokenstar softly as she looked down. Spokenstar nodded then walked back to her den. Flamefur headed to the nursery and laid in the back. I was scared to go see if she was alright.

"Flamefur! Tinykit won't wake up!" I heard Aquakit tell Flamefur loudly. I rushed over to the entrance of the den and looked in. Tinykit was curled up in a little circle barely moving. Flamefur's eyes had widened and the ginger she cat was now nudging the small kit. Soon I felt Cheetahpelt, Tigerstripe, and Bluesnow by my side.

"What happened?" Bluesnow asked me. I wasn't really sure what to say. All I knew what Tinykit wasn't waking up no matter what you did to her.

"Tinykit, she won't wake up." I told her not really sure of myself though. I kept watching Flamefur till she finally gave up. She fell down next to her kit and nudged her into her paws. I sighed as I watched. It must of been hard on her.

"They will pay for this..." I heard a slight growl come from Flamefur. She got up after putting Tinykit on the ground carefully. I saw Aquakit back up a little even scared to get close to Flamefur. That's when I really saw her. Her Amber eyes now looked crazy. Like she was going mad. They also were full of revenge. What had happened to Tinykit? Why was Flamefur acting like this.

Flamefur walked past all of us barely even glancing at us. She walked out of the camp lashing her tail back and forth behind her. I continued to watch confused. I wanted to go after but Tigerstripe wasn't even moving. Was he even scared of his own sister right then?

"Let's not go after her, I have a bad feeling right now." He finally said. He headed back to the warrior's den. Cheetahpelt followed close behind him. His pawsteps were lighter today then they even were before. Bluesnow went to go some prey and I was left looking into the forest were Flamefur had stalked off. Aquakit walked up to me and I looked to him.

"What's wrong with Flamefur and Tinykit?" He asked me quietly. I wasn't sure myself but I didn't want him to loose all hope. I had to make up something that sounded better than Flamefur going crazy and Tinykit being trapped in her dream. Wait, trapped in a dream. No way! Was Tinykit really trapped in the Dark Forest. I thought they had stopped doing that. That must be the reason Flamefur was so mad. They had taken her kit and her mate away now.

"You want the truth don't you?" I asked him. He nodded slightly. I sighed and looked down deciding what to say in my head.

"Well there is this place called the Dark Forest. They had trapped some cats there before. They got Tinykit there now and Metalclaw is feeling guilty from the fight. Flamefur believes that the Dark Forest is trying to take all of her family away." I told him. His little eyes widened as they looked up to me.

"Is there any way I can help?" He asked me sitting down and curling his tail around his small little paws. I shook my head. We had Shiningdeath last time but now he wasn't even suppose to be out of the Dark Forest so we didn't have anyone to help. We had to believe the best.

Man, I've got nothing done this weekend. I'm glad thanksgiving weekend is next and it's like 5 days straight. I hopefully can get more stuff in then. I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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