Chapter 10

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[Silverhawk's POV]

I had been out hunting patrol with my apprentice, Lightpaw. We had separated from our main group to go try on our own. That's when I heard a loud yowl somewhere close to me. I looked around for Lightpaw trying to figure out where she was. I should never of let her go on her own to hunt. I should of followed her no matter what she said.

"Lightpaw!" I yowled to the sky hoping she would run to me soon. She didn't though. I ran toward where I had heard the yowl before hoping that Lightpaw hadn't been killed or anything.

When I got there I saw a big body of a cat covered in blood. I gasped and saw Lightpaw a little away from the body and staring down at the body. I glared at her confused on what had happened. Blood was on her paws. Everything pointed to her killing the cat. As I got a little closer I noticed it was Cinderscar. I glance at Lightpaw and slightly growl.

"It wasn't me!" She pleaded with tears going down her face. I raised my claws at her. She had killed our deputy! I didn't believe she would ever do that.

"I'm going to tell Flashstar. He will decide what to do with you." I hissed at her. I couldn't stand this! She had really killed our deputy. I didn't know what Flashstar was going to say to this.

I kept her in front of my and headed back to camp. I made sure she was in front of me so she couldn't run off and go kill other defenseless cats. We got into the camp and all the cats backed away once they saw the blood on her paws. Flashstar came out of his den and hurried over.

"What happened?" He asked with a slight growl. He kept his gaze on Lightpaw but then looked back to me.

"I found her next to Cinderscar with the blood on her paws." I growled and glanced back to Lightpaw.

"Come along then, both of you." He growled slightly and made his way toward High Rock. I watched Lightpaw feeling bad for her now. I wasn't completely sure if she had really killed Cinderscar but she was standing there when I saw Cinderscar dead.

Flashstar jumped onto the high rock and called for everyone. They soon gathering under the rock. I stayed by him and Lightpaw shifted uncomfortably next to me. I glanced at her and growled slightly.

"Silverhawk has found Cinderscar dead. Lightpaw was next to the dead body with blood on her paws. I have already decided a punishment for the young murderous apprentice. She will be exiled! If she is seen inside the clan territory after sunrise tomorrow she will be killed." Flashstar yowled. Robinpaw, Brightpaw, and Rainpaw all growled in protest but all of their mentors stopped them. The rest of the clan yowled in surprise and some wondered who the new deputy would be.

"Fine! Goodbye my family." Lightpaw sighed. She dipped her head down and jumped off the rock then headed out of the camp. Brightpaw and Robinpaw looked to her but didn't move.

"Now, I have also decided on who will be the next deputy. Silverhawk, you will be the new deputy. You have shown great braveness and loyalty to me. You deserve to be deputy." He purred a little to me. I smiled and looked down to Moonflash and my kits as they cheered loudly.

"Silverhawk, Silverhawk, Silverhawk!" The crowd of cats cheered. I smiled with pride. I didn't think I would ever be the deputy.

"Also, Robinpaw, since you no longer have a mentor, I will be your mentor for now." He added then jumped off High Rock. The cats went back to their dens and back to what they were doing before. I walked over to Moonflash and our kits and smiled.


It will be important later. Yea I know I kinda say that about everything. But everything kinda is important later. Later will be very awesome and after I finish with Tinykit and after she's a warrior I don't have much because in the clan I had to leave after that because of basketball so I'm going to make up stuff after that. But I hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! Also I made the picture using a template. I hope u like it, I couldn't add Blackkit though 🙁

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