Chapter 15

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[Hawkfeather's POV]

I watched over the clan. Seastar had decided to go out on the border patrol to stretch a little. Since we still needed one cat back in the camp that actually has control, I decided not to go on a hunting patrol. I sighed and walked over to the nursery to go see Sweetfur and Darkkit. Seastar had told me I might of wanted to get a mate in the clan so they didn't think I was a traitor. So I picked Sweetfur as my mate. She was really nice to me and would play with Darkkit since there was no other kits.

"Hey Hawkfeather!" Darkkit squeaked to me running over to me. I laughed and looked down to the little kit. He didn't really look like either of us. He had black fur and sparkling green eyes. I guess the green eyes were more like Sweetfur's full green eyes. The black fur was a puzzle to me though. I had dark brown fur and Sweetfur had a pale yellow color for her fur.

"How about you go play with your father. It will be the last time you get to play with him for a while since he will be busy." Sweetfur purred to our kit. I smiled a little and looked to Darkkit wondering what he wanted to play. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tiger and Prince both wanting to me.

"Wait a second. I need to know what the apprentices want." I told Darkkit and padded over to Tiger and Prince.

"Can we go out to train?" They begged. I chuckled slightly then looked back to my kit and mate. I sighed and turned back to the two.

"I'm sorry, I promised my kit that I would play with him for a while. Also I need to stay here till Seastar gets here. I'll train with you two later." I told them and turned my back but not for long. Leafgrowl jumped into the camp with her fur all fluffed out and her eyes wild.

"S-Seastar is dead!" She said barely. My eyes widened with surprise. I turned to Darkkit and Sweetfur and mouthed sorry to them and went over to Leafgrowl.

"What happened?" I asked her. We started to walk to the leader's den, which I guess was now my den. I sat in the back with my back to the back of the den. Leafgrowl sat in front of me twitching her tail back and forth.

"Well we were on border patrol, yea, and he got separated. He said he heard something. Then I heard a yowl. I ran back and saw him. He was surrounded by blood. I didn't know what to do. The wound looked deep enough to take away all of his lives. I'm sorry I didn't go with him." She explained and hung her head down. 

"It's okay, go back and help Gingerfang carry him back." I told her softly and walked out of the den with a sad look on my face. I quietly padded back to Sweetfur and Darkkit.

"Hey, it's okay. Your going to be a great leader." Sweetfur purred to me. It didn't help me. I was going to be leader and Iceclaw was still the deputy. I didn't care for Sweetfur that much. I truly loved Iceclaw and she was the only one I loved. Sure I loved Darkkit as a son but if I met Iceclaw's little kits I bet I would love then more. I saw Autumnpool come quickly over.

"Hawkfeather, can you come over here?" She asked me twitching her tail back and forth. I nodded and walked over to her.

"What do you need?" I asked her keeping my tail to my side.

"Go see Iceclaw, I know how much she means to you. I'll keep the camp safe till then. Just go tell her what had happened." She told me quietly. I nodded and looked to my mate and kit against and mouthed sorry again to them.

I headed out of the camp. I wasn't sure what I was going to tell Iceclaw yet but I was hoping I knew what to say when I saw her. I quickly headed to the border like I usually did as I went to see Iceclaw. I waited at the border till I saw a patrol coming. I flicked my tail wanting them to come closer. I knew who was on the patrol when I saw them. It was Snowangel, Wolfclaw, and Blazepaw.

"What do you want Hawkfeather?" Wolfclaw hissed looking at me. Snowangel padded up next to him. Blazepaw stayed back a little not sure what to do. I had only met the apprentice once.

"Iceclaw I'm guessing?" Snowangel asked. I nodded nervously. It hadn't been long since Morningstar was dead and now another leader was dead. What was happening to our three clans.

"Fine, Blazepaw, can you take Hawkfeather back to the camp?" Wolfclaw asked the ginger furred apprentice. He nodded steadily then turned back to head to the camp. I had gone so many times I knew the way by now. I still let the warriors and apprentices lead me since they didn't think I was safe.

We got to the camp quickly. I headed over to the nursery knowing Iceclaw was over there. I took a quick breath before I went into the nursery. I saw a Snow White shecat laying with three kits at her side. One was just like her, another one was like me, and the last one was like a mixture of both of us. I purred slightly as I looked at them. They were all so beautiful.

"Hawkfeather? What are you doing here?" Iceclaw asked once she noticed I was there. I laughed a little and kept looking at the kits.

"They are beautiful you know. Oh, and um, well I'm a leader now..." I said looking down a little. I still felt really bad that Seastar had died.

"How? I mean how did Seastar die." She quickly corrected herself. I nodded my head slightly telling her it was fine. I started to tell her what had happened. She nodded glumly.

"I wanted to come to you first before I went to get my nine lives." I told her.

"It's okay. Now that you are leader you have to look after your clan more. Please don't come and see me too much." She laughed a little. I nodded and licked her ear.

"I wish we could of been in the same clan. Then we could of been mates forever." I said and kept licking her ear. "What are their names anyways?" I asked wanting to know my own kits names.

"Wavekit is the one that looks like me, Petalkit is the mixture of both of us, and Heatherkit is the one that looks like you." She purred. I nodded and laid my head on my paws. I knew I had to leave soon but I didn't want to.


I can't continue on this. It will get to sad for me. Once I get Hawkstar's Revenge up you will know more about what happens. I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter. Don't forget to leave a like or a comment.

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