Chapter 19

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[Cheetahpelt's POV]

I laid outside the den staring off into the forest. I wasn't sure what was happening with Flamefur. She was starting to scare me. I did feel bad for her. She lost her mate and now her one kit that she loved more than the others. I saw Bluesnow glaring at some other cats. Then she went over to Nightmoon. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I did see Bluesnow's eyes. Instead of an icy blue they were blood red. I shivered. That couldn't just be the sun shining in a weird way. I watched as Bluesnow left the camp and went out to do stuff. I got up slowly and started to follow her. I wasn't sure what to expect. Thankfully I was a master at sneaking around so I knew she wouldn't notice me.

I stayed low to the ground. She was hunting so I jumped up to the trees so I didn't disturb her. Soon her ears flicked and she ran toward the border with EverClan. I titled my head and followed quickly. I tried my best to stay up in the leaves so if she did hear me she wouldn't be able to see me. Bluesnow soon passed the border and I followed confused on what was happening. Then she fell down. I jumped down and ran over to her. She was breathing heavily and had her eyes shut closed.

"Bluesnow, what's wrong?" I asked. Then her eyes opened. They weren't blood red anymore. They were icy blue again. I sighed a little in relief. Whatever had happened to her was gone for now.

"I don't know..." She whispered. She started to get up but wobbled a little. She leaned against me and I licked her ear comfortably.

"We need to get back to camp." I told her. She nodded a little and started to walk. I walked next to her making sure she didn't fall. Maybe I shouldn't tell Spokenstar about this yet. I didn't think I should tell anyone really. I didn't want them to worry about her. She was a strong shecat and I knew she would be fine.

"Can you tell me why I was out there?" She asked as we kept walking. So she blacked out when she did this. Maybe she couldn't beat this if she didn't know what she was doing. I had to help her though! She was my big sister and always helped me.

"Your eyes turned red and we ran to the EverClan border and I don't know really." I told her honestly. I wasn't sure what was happening to her. Wait, could it be the prochey from so long ago? When the blue would be like a river of blood or something like that? Could it finally start to affect her? If that was what was happening I might have to get Moonflash. From what I remembered of the prochey she needed the healing of the moon. I just hope that Moonflash was the moon they were meaning.

"I'm sorry, thank you for following me." She purred to me. I nodded and kept walking keeping an eye on her. I was going to have to keep a closer eye on her if she's going to be like that.

We soon got to the camp. Bluesnow headed to the warrior den. I watched her as she went to her nest, curled up, and went to sleep. I sat outside the den to think. I might have to tell Flamefur and Tigerstripe at the least. They would have to know what was happening with their own sister. I looked around for Tigerstripe but didn't see him. He must be out on a hunting patrol or something. I was also guessing that Flamefur hadn't came back after when she stalked out of the camp. Maybe I should go find out what had happened to Tinykit too. There was to much for me to figure out right then.


I barely got that far. Well does anyone remember the prochey?!? It's in book 2, if you want to go look it up. I kinda forgot about it so I was going to include it now. So bye! I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! Also, you know what? Double update Sunday's will become a thing! Your welcome

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