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The black shecat walked around until she saw the cat she was looking for. She walked toward the dark grey shecat. She dark grey shecat looked at the black one then kept walking around as if she was trying to find someone. She didn't say a word but she really was looking for someone. She was looking for her old mate but she didn't know if he had died yet.

"Shadow, please. I told you if I saw him I would tell you. He's not hear. I know all the cats that come here." The black shecat told the dark shecat, Shadow. Shadow chose to ignore and kept looking around.

"I don't care, I need to find him or at least my sister." She spoke softly back to the black shecat.

"At least tell me what her name is then and I can see if I've seen her around." The black shecat said as she walked next to Shadow. She did care for her but she didn't want her on a wild chase that lead no where.

"Eagle, her name is Eagle." Shadow snapped back a little. She really cared for her sister and wanted to show her sister how big her kits had gotten.

"I don't remember her. Hey, let's go check on Bluesnow and make sure she's alright here." She black shecat said as she looked around for the pure white shecat.

"Alright, let's go Leapingshadow." Shadow smiled a little and walked next to her friend. She had quickly became friends with her after she found out their kits were mates.

They both quickly found the white shecat as she laid next to the small viewing pool as she watched her siblings. Both of the older shecats had always watched them there. The white shecat was to focused on her siblings to even notice her own mother or Leapingshadow.

"Bluesnow, are you alright?" Shadow asked as she sat next to her own kit.

"Yea, I just wish that they could get that evil shecat out of my body. I want to go home and be with Embercloud." She sighed. Then a light grey shecat walked over.

"Did I hear something about my son?" She asked as she flicked her ears back and forth. Bluesnow smiled a little at the shecat.

"Yea, I was just saying I wanted to go back to him, Cinderscar." Bluesnow said. Cinderscar sat on the other side of Bluesnow and looked to the viewing pool. It changed a little and rippled over to an image of Embercloud with Summerpaw and Burningpaw.

"He is an amazing father." Cinderscar purred with pride.

"Hey, can we check on Silverha- Silverstar?" Shadow corrected herself as she rested her paw by the edge of the water to change it over to the silver tom leading a group of cats. Next to him was a light silver tom walking by him.

"They make a perfect team." Leapingshadow said as she rested against Shadow.

"And look at Doveflame. She's the medicine cat and wants to completely help the both of them." Cinderscar commented. Bluesnow smiled at all of the shecats around her. She kinda wanted to be left alone though didn't mind their company.

"Can we check on one last cat?" Leapingshadow asked looking to the water with a sad expression on her face.

"Go ahead. We would love to see whoever you think we should." Shadow smiled to her friend. She moved her paw away from the water and Leapingshadow put her's by it.

The water rippled again and it started to change to a dark forest. It was so dark the outline of a dark grey tom could barely be seen.

"Wait, I remember that place. No way is he trying to find-" Shadow was cut off by Leapingshadow.

"He might just be trying to find Smallclan." She said completely shocked. All cats had stopped trying to find it since it had gone into hiding after MistClan and BoneClan attack it. That's how Shadow got cut away from them.

"I hope he succeeds. We can always use more cats." Bluesnow smiled a little. "I mean alive ones, not dead ones yet." She laughed a little.


And with that, I end this. The next part will be up when I have the allegiance and prologue up in the next book. It will also include the thank you's so if you want to be in it ((unless your the ones that are usually in it (skystxr, spokenwrites, and jhin17) then you don't have to comment. Others, I would love it if you comment so I can see the people that read this. Thanks again for reading this book and I hope I have the next book up by the end of the week at the most.

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