Chapter 24

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[Novastep's POV]

Tinykit started to move in her little nest. I had been keeping her in the medicine cat den so I could keep an eye on her. My eyes widened as I saw her eyes start to open up. She yawned a little and looked around.

"Where am I?" She asked softly as she kept looking around. I forgot that she had never been in here since she had opened her eyes.

"Your in the medicine cat's den. It's alright." I smiled softly to her. She scrambled back onto her paws.

"Well, I'm going back to the nursery." She told me. I saw distraction in her eyes as she kept looking around. What could that be?

"Alright, just come back if you need any help." I spoke softly and went back to my nest. I needed a rest before I went to the gathering. I could easily think of reasons why Tinykit was getting distracted.

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. It wasn't that long until I was awake in StarClan. Depthstar was in front of me. It wasn't completely unusual for me to see him. He usually was the cat I saw that gave me propheys. Wait, if I was seeing him that must mean that I was getting a prochey!

"A corrupt flame lives in the darkness, a tiger alone will save it but a tiny kit will soon follow the flame." Depthstar spoke then started to disappear.

Wait, I remember that prochey! It was when Flamefur, well Flamekit back then, was in the medicine cat's den because she had gotten some scratches in her sleep. We realized that she was corrupted a little but not a whole lot. Tigerstripe did help her a lot. The 'tiny kit' always confused me though. Could he of meant her own kit? Could Tinykit really be training in the Dark Forest? She didn't look like she had been hurt at all. Maybe since that was her first time there, they didn't train. I could learn more about the Dark Forest but I didn't have anyone to ask. Flamefur hadn't been there for a while, Tinykit looked to distracted, Metalclaw was gone, and Shiningdeath hadn't been there for a while.

I looked back and another cat was in the place of Depthstar. It took me a while to recognize the cat. It was Heathercloud! She was my old mentor! I gasped a little and the shecat smiled to me.

"The blue river of blood shall rise but only the healing of the moon can save the clans from the depth." She spoke and started to disappear. I remember that one a little too. Spokenstar told it to me. Could that 'blue river of blood' be Bluesnow? She had been acting weird and her eyes had been kinda bloodish looking. Next I saw Rainheart. I remembered the old deputy. She would of made a great leader.

"The time is coming, the tiny claw is coming. Beware! Beware of the tiny claw!" She said startled and started to disappear. I was so confused. What could even be happening? Why did I get all of these today? Was there even a reason I got them?


So sorry. I didn't have a lot of time yesterday. I barely got this one done. I kinda didn't have a lot of inspiration for this. The next chapter will be better though and longer. I barely got 500 words in this one sorry again. Well I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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