Chapter 21

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[Bloodtear's POV]

"I can't do this forever!" I hissed at Maplefur and Hawkwing. I had been keeping Shiningdeath, Tinykit, Hawkstar, and Darkkit all in the Dark Forest and it was getting harder. I had managed to get Hawkstar before he got his nine lives. I had also managed to make it seem like he did get his nine lives but it drained me badly. I knew I was starting to loose Shiningdeath. My hold on him had already gone a couple times and he had been able to escape back to DepthClan. I couldn't let that happen again. He had to stay here but I didn't know how much longer I could keep him here.

"Bloodtear, you are the only one that can do it. Why do we even need the kits anyways? They aren't that important." Maplefur asked me walking back and forth in front of me. I had the four cats trapped in their little black bubbles behind me.

"They are important right now! They will be important later! I have to keep Tinykit away from Aquakit anyways." I hissed then gritted my teeth trying to keep as much energy as I could. I needed to find another cat that could do this. Hawkstar would be great but he's still alive for about another six moons at the least. I knew I couldn't hold him that long. Then I also had to keep Darkkit here for that long or at least five moons.

"Then just let Darkkit go! He isn't to important. He should know what he needs to do by now. Also, Hawkstar must of imagined he has his nine lives by now. Let him go, he will make up and head back to his camp. He won't have nine lives. He will just have the one life. You could keep nor of your energy that way. Anyways, if Aquakit causes any trouble we could just kill him. It shouldn't be that hard." Maplefur said as she kept pacing. She did have some points anyways. Also, she gave me an idea. If Shiningdeath tried to help DepthClan again I could just kill him. That would be so much simpler.

"Fine! But Tinykit is staying a little longer. I need to talk to her to get the evil seed in her head." I told them. I let out a deep breath and the bubbles around Hawkstar, Shiningdeath, and Darkkit vanished along with the cat in each of them. Only Tinykit's small bubble stayed. I formed it bigger so that I could go inside it. I was the other Dark Forest warrior that could walk into one of those bubbles and not get stuck. I guess it was because I was the leader.

"What else do I need to know?" Tinykit asked looking to me with her blue eyes. I sighed. She was a pretty shecat but she was going to have to die. Maybe not though. If I can trap alive warriors here maybe I could keep her here without killing her! She would be way more useful alive anyways.

"This is the last thing I'm going to tell you." I told her quietly in a nice tone trying to make it seem like I cared more than I really did. I didn't care about her to much. I just wanted more cats to be evil with me.

"What is it?" She asked with her eyes widening. I guessed she wanted to go home still. I sighed a little trying not to make it obvious though. I didn't want her to think I was tricking her at all.

"You just have to follow your heart. No matter what. The heart is the best thing. If it is split then you have to pick a side because your mind is actually doing the splitting. Now, you can go. Don't tell anyone about these talks." I told her. Then I made her vanish. She was awake back in the real world. Hopefully that was innocent enough to make an effect. I was going to make Darkkit the main thing in her heart though.


Btw, since they changed the save thing to publish, whenever I get a chapter done I'm just going to publish it right away. It will still be once at least every day but it might be more some days. I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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