Chapter 16

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[Metalclaw's POV]

I looked down a little. I had killed Bloodstar. I hadn't meant to kill him. He had Flamefur pinned down and I lost it. I couldn't loose the one shecat that I loved more than anything. I didn't remember much of what happened when I killed him. I just remembered blood on my paws, blood in my mouth, and Bloodstar under me not breathing. He looked really bad too. I'm pretty sure he was completely dead and wasn't coming back. Flamefur got up and came over to me.

"What happened?" She asked shocked. I just shook my head. Spokenstar started to come over with Nightmoon next to her. I hung my head down feeling bad still.

"Hey, it's alright. You didn't what you had to do. We aren't going to punish you for that." Spokenstar purred to me. I nodded a little and stayed by Flamefur. Usually I would be proud of a kill but I wasn't of this one.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened..." I said as a few EverClan warriors came and got Bloodstar's limp body. I kept my head down and headed out of the camp. I needed some air. I felt Shiningdeath and Flamefur follow me. I smiled a little. The two cats I loved the most where there for me.

"Son, you saved her life. You also did what was right defending your clan." Shiningdeath told me. I nodded glumly and kept walking not really listening. I still was feeling really bad for killing the leader. I was sure I took away more than one life too.

"You saved my life Metalclaw. You can't blame yourself for that. I would be dead if you didn't do that." Flamefur purred to me nuzzling me. I chuckled a little and looked to her. Her Amber eyes were full of joy and happiness.

"I think I have to go for a while. The killing will still be on my mind. Tell Spokenstar I'll be back in about two moons. I'll certainly be back before our kits are apprentices though. I just want to travel and get my head straight." I told them turning to them. I looked at Shiningdeath next. "And I need to do this alone so don't follow me from the Dark Forest."

"Fine, just stay safe my son. If you need anything I can always get my way to you quickly." He told me. Flamefur looked shaken. I looked to her and nuzzled her.

"Don't leave me. I need you here with me." She choked out pressing her head against my fur. I sighed not wanting to leave her. I knew I had to though. This kill wouldn't get off of mind till I did this.

"Flamefur, you are a strong warrior and a beautiful shecat. You have your brother and Shiningdeath. You also have DepthClan and MapleClan to protect you. I need to do this. I will be back soon." I purred to her and licked her head. She didn't move yet. I could still feel the wet, cold tears from her on my fur.

"Fine, just please be safe. I can't have you killed. I want our kits to still have a father." She said taking a step back. I nodded.

"I believe you will be fine. You are a fine warrior and an excellent fighter. I'm proud to call you my son." Shiningdeath said. I smiled and nuzzled him too.

"Goodbye. Please don't forget about me!" I joked to them. They nodded and turned back to DepthClan.

After a few steps away Shiningdeath vanished into thin air and Flamefur kept walking back to camp. I turned my back to the camp and started to walk through the forest. My journey was just beginning but I knew I would find lots of things that could be useful one day.

"I'll be back. I know it.." I whispered to myself and kept walking. That is how my journey to find peace started.


Yay! Today is the beginning of the weekend! Thankful for that! Then I can write more! Well I hope you liked the chapter. I know, i didn't want to send him away but I think it's better. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! The

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