Chapter 20

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[Robinpaw's POV]

I followed Flashstar out to train. He had been more quiet lately ever since Cinderscar had died. Even Doveflame got more quiet. I guess Brightpaw and I have been more quiet since Lightpaw left too. I wasn't really sure what Rainpaw was doing since I barely ever got to see him. I sighed and kept walking. I needed to get more training in. I wanted to be the best warrior and they don't do that without good training. Soon we got to the small training place in the forest.

"We will be learning some fighting moves," he grumbled to me. I smiled a little wanting to fight. That was the best thing to me. I wasn't liking his tone though. It sounded like he really didn't want to be there. Could it be from the fight with TideClan and EverClan? Is somehow he regretting fighting them? No, but DepthClan needed up. We had to help them. They couldn't of survived without us helping them out. Even if they did have two Dark Forest warriors and two really strong warriors, they would of been destroyed by the two clans.

My ears twitched. I had an idea! We were going to go to TideClan with DepthClan and attack them! That would show them not to attack either of us. I just had to get Flashstar to agree though I doubted he would. I would have to go around him. Maybe I could just go to Silverhawk and see what he says. He's still in charge, but Flashstar is over him. I would just have to make Flashstar agree then.

"Flashstar, I had an idea.." I told him looking at him. We still hadn't started to fight or anything.

"What is it?" He growled at me slightly. I flinched from the growl but I straightened myself up more. I couldn't look scared in front of him.

"How about we attack TideClan with DepthClan? That would show them not to attack either of us!" I told him really wanting him to say yes. The look on his face said he was going to say no.

"No, that would be stupid." He growled at me again. He even called my idea stupid! I wasn't going to stand for that.

"Why? Why can't we just show TideClan they can't mess with us?" I asked him with a slight growl meaning I knew what I was talking about.

"Because we are still hurt! I'm positive that DepthClan warriors are still hurt too from when they got attacked." He told me lashing his tail back and forth in anger. I growled and launched myself at him.

That was the last thing I remembered. I found myself somewhere were I didn't know. I sniffed the air to try to figure out where I was. It had TideClan scent in the air. How could I of made it all the way to TideClan without realizing? I looked to my paws and saw blood on them! I stumbled back confused. I sniffed the blood carefully trying to figure out whose it was. It was Flashstar's blood! I couldn't of- could I? No, I couldn't think like that. I had to get back to the training area and figure out what happened. I trudged through the the wet marshes. Soon I got back to the border and the grass wasn't so wet. I crossed the creek and headed toward the training area.

I got to it pretty quickly. There I saw the limp body of Flashstar laying in the ground. He had a big dent in his head, big claw marks on his sided and one huge scratch on his stomach. I cringed a little. I was a murderer! Just like my sister, I had killed someone. Now I was going to be exiled and have to live on my own. I hung my head in shame and headed to Flashstar's body. I grabbed him by his scruff and managed to get him on my back. He was heavy but I would have to bear wth it. I started my long trip back to the camp. I kept my head down ashamed of what I did. What was even worse was I didn't even remember that I did it! Soon I was in the camp. Every cat was staring at me. Silverhawk walked out of the leaders den and looked very shocked.

"What happened?" He asked me as he got closer to me. I put my head back down scared to look at him. He was my leader now and I had to respect him.

"I'm not really sure. I think I killed him. You are the leader now." I told him. Doveflame came out of her den slowly. As soon as she saw Flashstar and me, she ran over quickly pushing through cats.

"No! Not him! I can't loose all of my family!" She cried nudging him. I carefully put him on the ground not wanting to hurt him any more than I already did.

"I'm sorry Doveflame. I didn't even know I did it." I told her sadly. She looked at me with sorrow.

"I don't believe you did this. Is his fur on your claws?" She asked me looking at Flashstar's many wounds. I looked at my claws carefully not seeing any fur under my claws.

"No, there isn't. I don't even have a claw wound." I told her checking my pelt. Sure enough, there wasn't a single mark on me. Maybe I didn't kill him then!

"then you aren't a murderer!" She smiled to me. Silverhawk nodded quickly. I would find out who killed him though.

"I will not punish you. We will have to find the murderer though." He told me. I nodded trying to think of who it could be. Maybe a TideClan warrior, but why would they come all the way to our territory just to kill the leader?

"I think I found a hint. There is white fur in his claws." Doveflame said. My eyes widened. I didn't know any cats with white fur.


If you are still trying to figure out who killed Cinderscar, it's the same cat that killed Flashstar. And yes! Silverhawk is now leader! I got skystxr permission to be able to make him leader. Do I need Silverstxr 's permission too since it was her cat in the first place? To be honest I'm just thinking this makes the story more interesting and I didn't mean to do this in the beginning. I was actually planning on killing him after he found his lost siblings then after I made Moonflash I couldn't help myself. So yea, I hope you liked the chapter. It was longer! Don't forget to leave a comment or a vote! Wait, that's a vote or a comment.

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