New Things

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Nicki POV

Life has been amazing! Me and Ciara have been really good,our marriage is actually stronger than it ever been since that whole cheating scandal happened. We have 3 kids,Zahir of course,and 2 teenage girls,Future was the donor for all of them thankfully. Boy got good ass genes. They were at school and Ci was at a photoshoot,she still modeling but her body and face is still amazing so I don't see why not. I'm still acting and our friends are still doing what they doing. I go into the kitchen and make spaghetti so they could have something to eat when they come in,the kids get out of school in 2 hours and Ciara gets home in 3 hours. I go upstairs and go over my schedule for the week,it was pretty clear so I'm gonna take them somewhere on Friday. I take a quick nap before I gotta run around. I wake up about 1 hour later and I take care of last minute things since the kids will be here in 20 minutes. I set a meeting with the school,make a few calls about my upcoming commercial shoot and other things. As I'm finishing up the last call I hear the front door close.

"Mom!" I hear Onara call out

I thought it was good to combine me and Ci's name together,it's actually really pretty. It's pronounced (Oh-near-uh),some people got it confused a few times. Her middle name is Neveah,Nay chose it. I go downstairs and see her and Zahir looking through the fridge and cabinets.

"What?" I ask

"What's here to eat?" He asks

"There's a pot of spaghetti in front of you" I chuckle

"We thought it was something else" He says while taking a noodle out the pot

"Boy wash your hands and get a plate" I say

They make their plates and sit at the table.

"Zahir you drove Onjulique to her dance class,right?" I ask

"Yea ma" He says

Zahir is 17,Onara is 16,and Onjulique is 15,Ci chose her middle name,Aniyah,she's just like Ciara too.

"How was school?" I ask

"Good" Zahir says

Onara stays quiet and I walk over to her.

"How was school?" I ask

"Ok I guess" She says

"What happened?" I ask

"It's nothing" She says

"She's mad cause her and this girl don't like each other and the girl just got together with the boy she likes" Zahir says

"Zahir shut the hell up!" She yells

"Hey watch your mouth!" I say sternly

"He started it" She says

"Watch your mouth,Zahir stop teasing her" I say

"Alright" He says

What will I do with these two,they're always arguing.

"Go do y'all homework,I can't with y'all" I laugh

A few minutes later Ciara walks through the door with Onjulique. Most of us call her Onji for short,she hugs me and I kiss her cheek,it's crazy how much she looks like Ci when she was younger. She goes upstairs and I hug Ci tightly.

"Hi babe" I smile

"I was so lonely today" I say and kiss her

"Why?" She asks

"I've been free all week" I say

"I have nothing to do for the next three days so you won't be so lonely" She smirks

"Very funny" I say

She laughs and I hear footsteps coming down the steps.

"Mama!" Zahir yells while running behind her and jumping on her back

He's not that heavy so I'm not surprised that she can hold him still.

"Ma put Onara in her place" He says

"Don't say that" I say

"What happened?" Ci asks

"Nothing major happened" I say

"She cooped up in her room" He says

"Zahir don't be starting shit" Ci says

"Mom I'm not" He says

"Ima go say hi to her" She says

Zahir gets off her back and she goes upstairs,he looks at me with an innocent smile and I laugh.

A/N: HERE YOU GO! THE TRILOGY IS HERE What you think about it so far? Next update soon!

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