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Ciara POV

It's been 4 days since what happened with Zahir and my heart broke more and more each day,I realized it's not Nicki's fault that he has a short temper and I apologized to her. After he got out of surgery the doctors let us see him and he looked so bad,all those stitches and casts look so horrible. Never would I have thought I would ever be in this position,sitting beside my son while he's in a hospital bed on life support,smh! My phone starts to ring and I see it's his friend Justine.

"Hello?" I say as I pick it up

"Hi Ms. Ciara is Zahir doing any better yet?" She asks

"No,the doctors didn't tell me anything yet today" I say

"Ok,I gotta get back to class,call if anything changes" She says

"I will" I say

"Thank you,bye" She says

"Bye" I say

We disconnect the call and I smile to myself,she's such a sweet girl. The next relationship he gets in,I don't mind it being with her,they're perfect for each other. The doctor comes in with a clip board and his expression makes me even more hurt.

"How are you two ladies today?" He asks

"Ok" Me and Nicki say

"Sadly I have bad news,if he makes it he might have amnesia,his lungs are failing more and more every 8 hours,we will continue to add more pressure to the breathing machine and do everything we can,I'm really sorry" He says

"At least you're trying,I guess that's the bright side" I say

"Again,I'm really sorry" He says before walking out

I look over at Zahir and I sigh,I fought for him the hardest I could all his life and it made me a stronger woman to be honest. I just wanna know if I can do anything to help him,I've been praying every chance I get,I just can't stand to see him leaving. We laughed at the darkness we went through and always found a way through it. He showed me all I needed in life was love and how to love,he was my backbone through everything,and always showed me how much I meant to him. Heaven couldn't wait for him probably,I pray that God finds a way to get him through this. I rub his hand as my eyes start to fill up with tears again,my mind starts going back to all the memories I had with him,the good,the bad,everything. My thoughts quickly break when I hear a flatline sound and I look up at Nicki.

A/N: What y'all think happened? Was it Zahir's monitor? This is so sad! Next update soon!

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