Family Vacation

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Nicki POV

I wake up at 6 o'clock from my alarm,today is the day we go to Mexico. Even though it's only January,Mexico finna be lit and probably hot. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom,I brush my teeth and wash my face. I go downstairs and make breakfast,I make 3 cheese omelets for the kids with orange juice. About 20 minutes pass and Zahir comes downstairs.

"Good morning ma" He says while kissing my cheek

"Good morning" I say

Zahir is a good kid but he's only this sweet when he wants something.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks

"What do you want?" I laugh

"A new car" He says

"You just got a car" I say

"I know but why have 1 when I can have 2" He smiles

This boy got it all wrong.

"What type?" I ask curious

"A Ferrari" He says

He definitely do.

"Money doesn't grow on trees,that's a lot of money" I say

"You and mama got a total of 5 cars together but I can't have 2" He says

"Most of them we got when we were younger" I say

"You guys have 500 million dollars combined but it's too much money to get one more car?" He asks

"We'll see baby boy" I say

"Alright" He says

Just as the food is ready Onara and Onjulique come downstairs. I give them their plates and juice before they leave,7 o'clock approaches and they start to leave.

"Have a good day and don't get into any trouble" I say

"I won't" Zahir and Onjulique says

"Onara" I say

"I won't" She sighs

I really don't know what's gotten into her,she was never rude or distant until 2 years ago. Every time me,Ci,or Nay asks her about she just ignores it,I'm gonna find out though,hopefully soon. They leave and I go upstairs to see if Ci woke up yet. I see she's still sleep and I get back in the bed and wrap my arm around hers. I kiss her cheek then move down to her neck,she starts to move around and I move further down.

"Wake up" I say

"No" She mumbles

"We gotta pack our bags" I say

She opens her eyes and stares at me tiredly. I kiss her and sit up,she sighs and stands up and goes in the bathroom. 5 minutes later she comes out and sits on my lap.

"What time are we leaving?" She asks

"3 o'clock" I say

"Alright" She says while playing with my ear

Along with trying to sleep,she does that when she's about to fall asleep.

"Babe why you so tired?" I ask

"I didn't get no sleep last night" She says

"Why?" I ask

"I don't know,I just couldn't fall asleep" She says

"Is that really the case?" I smirk

"Yes" She chuckles

"Or were you scared of the movie?" I ask

"I wasn't scared" She smiles

"Sure you weren't,we'll see how tonight goes" I laugh

We start to pack our bags as the hours go by,it's now 2:15 and the kids should be here in about 15 minutes. I lock all the windows and back and side door,I bring our bags downstairs and they walk through the door.

"You got 30 minutes to eat something and bring your stuff down" I say

They go upstairs and come back down within a few minutes. They eat TV dinners and we head out the door. Once were in the car I start driving to the airport.

"When we get there don't ask for nothing,whatever you want wait till the plane lands" Ci says

"Fine" Onara groans

When we get there we go inside and get our passports checked. We go through security then get on the plane,20 minutes in and everything seems to be going more perfect than compared to our last trip. Zahir and Onara wouldn't stop arguing,it was almost a non ending cycle.

"Move your arm" Onara says

"No,mine was here first" Zahir says

"No it wasn't" She says

"How you gon tell me where my arm was or wasn't?" He asks

"I just did" She says

"But it was incorrect" He says

"Was not" She says

"Was too" He says

"Mom tell Zahir to move his arm" Onara

"Ma she trippin like usual" Zahir says

I sigh and turn my head to look at Ci,she shakes her head and sits up.

"How about both of you move your arms and keep them straight on your body" She says

They side eye each other and do as told,I really don't understand why they bicker so much. When we land we go straight to the hotel and I take a well deserved nap. I wake up a couple of hours later and we head down to the beach.

"So we're leaving on Monday?" Onjulique asks

"Yes" I say

"We don't have to go to school?" Onara smiles

"No" Ci chuckles

"This finna be a good weekend" Zahir says

Onji plucks his arm and he slightly jumps.

"What you do that for Juju?" He asks while rubbing it

"You promised to take me shopping" She says

"I didn't forget" He says

She smirks at him and walks over to Onara,we laugh and she does too. This is gonna be a really good trip.

A/N: What do you guys think of the kids? Zahir and Onara be going in,lol! Remember when Ciara and Nicki were in cancun the first chapter for the first book? Next update soon!

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