Time For Love

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Nicki POV

I was leaving the supermarket,heading home. I actually feel good being home now but I still don't fully have Ci,I don't wanna take a break even though I agreed to it,I want her permanently. I know she's at the beach with the kids,so I decide to stop there before I go home. They just finished school and thankfully they're all going to the next grade,Zahir's gonna be a senior,Onara's gonna be a junior,and Onjulique's gonna be a sophomore,time flies. I pull up to the beach and spot them in the distance. I walk over to Ci and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby mama" I say

"Hi" She says

She never looks away from her phone and I kiss her neck to get her attention.

"Too far" She says

"Then turn around babe" I say

"I can't turn my back on them" She says

"Hi ma!" Onji calls out while waving to me

"Hi baby" I smile

"You look sexy in a bikini" I smirk

"What do you want Nicki" She laughs 

"I just came to check on y'all on my way home" I say

"If wanna stay you can" She says

"I got groceries in the car so I can come back after I take them home" I say

"Ok,that's fine,I'm sure the kids would want you to stay" She says

"Oh so you don't want me here?" I ask

"Maybe,maybe not" She says

"Damn,feisty" I say

"You should get to the groceries" She says

"Just like you should give me a kiss" I say

"We're suppose to be taking a break" She says

"I don't want to,I know what I want" I say

"Can we not talk about this right now?" She asks

"Fine,can I still get one please?" I ask

"Ok" She says

She turns around and kisses me softly,I pull her in closer and deepen it while sliding my tongue in her mouth. She moans lowly and I smirk,she misses me,I bite her lip and kiss her again before pulling away.

"Look at this" Zahir says while walking up to us

He's actually a lot better now,he's out of the casts,his stitches will be able to get taken out soon,and physical rehab is going good for him.

"Boy stay outta grown folks business" I laugh

"I'm almost 18" He smirks

"And that's the problem BABYboy" I say

"Awe ma" He smiles

"Are you staying?" He asks

"I gotta go to the house for a minute but I'm coming back" I say

"Aight" He says while walking back to the water

"I'll see you in about an hour" I say

"Ok" She says

I kiss her cheek and walk back to the car,I turn the radio up and let the wind brush past my face. I know that this might be the last chance for me and Ci. I already tried everything I can think of so I might as well try something unordinary to complete this. I know she still loves me,her kisses drive me crazy on the low,everything about her I just love. I'll do whatever she wants,my world revolves around her and the kids. I have something in mind and I think it will be good,my mind is only focused on God and my family. Time for me and Ci's love to prosper once again.

A/N: What y'all think Nicki got up her sleeve? She was getting straight to the point with Ciara! Lol. Next Update soon!

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