Meeting The Parents

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Zahir POV

I was walking with Amira through the halls and I was talking to her about meeting my parents.

"I don't know babe" She says

"I know,it'll be good" I say

"Promise they cool" I add

"Aight when?" She asks

"Tonight" I say

"Ok" She sighs

"It's gon be good" I chuckle

As the day goes on I was a little nervous myself about how it was gonna go. I text my parents and tell them,they agree to it and I slightly smile. I go to my gym class and sit around and wait for the teacher. We have the option to play basketball and volleyball,I choose basketball and I challenge Tyler,Sean,Daniel,Michael,Aiden, Caleb,and Skylar,with Tyler,Skylar,and Michael on my team.

"You tryna show off huh?" Daniel asks

"Natural little cuz" I chuckle while shooting a 3 pointer

"Nah he bluffing fam" Caleb says

"Y'all mad?" I smirk

Aiden steals the ball from me and shoots a 2 pointer.

"Tryna over cross me bro,I see,that was good though" I say

"I know" He grins

When the class is over I change out my gym clothes and go to my next class. Once school ends,I get in my car with Onara and Onjulique and go home. I walk through the door and see mom watching TV on the couch.

"Hey mama" I say

"Hey,how was school?" She asks

"Good" I say

I go in the kitchen and wash my hands,I go back in the living room and sit next to her on the couch.

"Ma is coming home early right?" I ask

"Yea" She says

"Dad?" I ask

"He'll be here in an hour" She says

"Ok" I say

"Y'all got homework?" She asks

"No" Me and Onara say

"I only got Algebra homework" Juju says

"You need help?" She asks

"Some of it" Juju says

"Take it out" She says

I lay my head in her lap and she runs her fingers through my curls.

"What are you making for dinner?" I ask

"Fried chicken,mac & cheese,string beans,and corn" She says

"On a cob?" Onara asks

"Yup" She says

Soon ma gets here and they start cooking dinner,dad and Kelly shows up a while after her and I start getting ready for Amira. I stare at my reflection and make sure my appearance is right. I feel my phone vibrate and I see it's a call from her.

"Hey" I say

"Hey,I'm outside" She says

"Ok,I'm coming" I say

I walk out my room and down the stairs.

"I be right back" I say

I walk out the door and see Amira standing by her car,I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Ready?" I ask

"Yea" She slightly laughs

"It's gon be good" I say

I kiss her softly and grab her hand,I walk back in the house. We go in the kitchen and Juju smirks at me. All the attention goes on me as dad is fixin the plates and I clear my throat.

"Amira,you already know who my parents are and my step mom,these are my sisters Onara and Onjulique,guys this is my girlfriend Amira" I say

"Hi,nice to meet you" She says

"Nice to meet you too" They say

Dad places the plates on the table and we sit down,here we go.

A/N: Amira finally met them! Y'all think they gon like her? Next update soon!

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