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Ciara POV

I was currently talking to Nicki,why? I don't know,one thing turned to the next and I regret it. She pissing me off to the max right now.

"I don't know why you making a big deal out of it! Nothing happened" She says

"If you can't figure out what's so bad about it that's a problem" I say

"It shouldn't be a problem cause I did nothing" She says

"Stop trying to talk to me then! Until you get your shit together and realize where your wrong is leave me the fuck alone! We're getting divorced and it still feels like I'm trying to get you to listen to me! We're telling the kids tomorrow and we're gonna start getting this finalized" I yell

"Wait,I'm sorry" She says while trying to grab my hand

"No! You're not gonna keep doing that every time your shit gets flipped on you" I say

I grab my keys and leave the house,I get in my car and start driving to the supermarket. I get a call from my dad and answer,putting it on hands free,soon his voice flows through the car speakers.

"Hey Princess" He says

"Hi daddy" I say

"Me and your mother are having dinner on Wednesday,y'all coming?" He asks

"Umm me and the kids are,you can ask Nicki yourself if she's coming" I say

"Ok,why?" He asks

"I'll tell you later" I say

"Ok,I'll talk to you later" He says

"Ok,love you" I say

"Love you too" He says

We disconnect the call and I pull up to the supermarket.

The next day we wait till its around 1 o'clock to tell the kids. We go downstairs and see them laughing in the living room.

"We have to talk to y'all about something important" I say slowly

"Ok,what is it?" Onji asks

I turn the TV down and me and Nicki sit down next to them.

"We love you very much and this has nothing to do with anything you did" She says

They look at us confused and I sigh,here we go.

"We are getting divorced" I say

"Why?!" Zahir asks as he stands up

"It got complicated" I say

I glance at Nicki,waiting for her to say something,this was getting uncomfortable for me.

"Sorry" She says and walks out

If she felt the same way I don't blame her but damn,looks like I gotta do all the talking.

"Ma why?" Onara asks

"I'm sorry" I say while looking at them

I see tears run down their face and that makes my heart heavy.

"What happened?" Onji asks softly

"We just weren't connecting anymore,so she suggested we just do it before it gets worst" I say,trying to explain it as best as I can

"Mom she loves you,she's been spending more time with us lately too" Zahir says

"That may be but you're her kids,I'm her wife,it's a different relationship,she's suppose to love y'all but she's suppose to be in love with me and I don't know if she is so this was the best thing" I say

"Ma are you sure?" Onara asks

"Yea" I say

They shake their heads and I sigh while wiping my face.

"Now what?" Onji asks

When I wake up and realize I'm not next to Nicki hurts,it don't feel right to be honest and I hate this is happening.

"No matter what happens with us we will always adore y'all,you're getting so big now and I'm so proud of you,so every single little moment I can't be there for what ever,I need for you to know that anything could happen and if anything does happen know that you'll be alright,just promise me you will" I say

"Alright,promise" They mumble

"I'm really sorry" I say

"This is bs" Zahir sighs

A/N: Awe :( they finally told them! Next update soon!

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