I care

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Zahir POV

I finish getting ready for school and grab my book bag and phone. I go downstairs and smell bacon,eggs,and grits. I smile and walk into the kitchen to see mom fixing the plates. I sit at the table and smile to myself,I'm such a fatass,lol. She places the plate in front of me and sits next to me.

"You comin straight home later?" She asks

"Most likely I'll be going to Amira's house" I say

"Be careful with her" She says

"What you mean?" I ask

"Something's off about her,just be careful" She says

"Ok" I say

Onara and Onjulique come downstairs and sit at the table,Onara doesn't talk to anybody and mom looks at her weirdly.

"Onara" She says

Onara picks at her plate and avoids eye contact.

"Onara" She says more seriously

Onara picks up her phone and smirks.

"Onara you got 3 seconds to answer me" She says

"Or what?!" Onara yells

"Hold up,I know you not talking to me like that" She says

"You're the only one that was talking,so yea" Omara says

"Yo Onara chill the hell out" I say

"Zahir shut up,you always jumping in something,don't know how to mind your business!" Onara yells

"If it involves my mom you damn right ima jump in it!" I yell

"What's all the yelling about?" Ma asks while walking in the kitchen

"Onara is bugging out" I groan

"What's up with her?" She asks

"I don't know but she got one more time to cross me and ima whoop her ass" Mom says

"Onara why you talking like that?" Ma asks

"Like what?" She asks

"I heard what you said,but why did you?" Ma asks

"You shouldn't be worried about it!" She yells

"And I'm 16 so you can't whoop me anymore" She says turning to mom

"Is that so?" Mom asks

"Did I stutter?" She says sarcastically

"Oh hell no" Mom mumbles

"Zahir give me your belt" She says

I take it off and give it to her. Onara been taking her anger out on us for the longest and I'm tired of it,I don't know what her problem is but she need to stop it.

"Give me your phone" She says

"What? No" Onara says

"Onara give her your phone now" Ma says

"5,4" Mom says

"I'm not giving my phone up" Onara smirks

"3,2" She says

"I'm leaving" Onara mumbles

"1" She says

She folds the belt and swings it across Onara's leg,making her scream.

"Ouch!" Onara screams

"Put your phone on the table" Ma says

"I'll see y'all later" I say

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