Bad News?

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August POV

I was in the waiting room of the hospital with everybody else,I can't believe this is happening,I hope Zahir is ok. The doctors only told us that he was in surgery. I look around and everybody pretty much has the same demeanor,we really are like one big family,even Bryson is here.

"Daddy do you think Zahir is gonna be ok?" Dinah asks

"I don't know baby,I hope so" I say

I look down at her and she looks at me with wondering eyes. Ci told us that the cops told her that the crash was really bad and it impacted his side heavy,his head was bloody,and his arm. I can't imagine how she feels,as a parent I know it's probably a living nightmare. Soon a doctor comes out and walks over to us. Ciara stops pacing the floor and the doctor gives us a look that made my soul wanna leave my body.

"He's still in surgery but he's not doing that well,we're trying our best to save him" The doctor says

"Save him? What's wrong with him?" Ci asks

I could tell she was getting aggravated.

"The hit was really hard,brain damage is very high,broken ribs,broken arm,it was a lot of glass we had to pull out,he's in a coma" The doctor says

"What are the chances he'll make it out ok?" Davis asks

"Chances are slim to none" The doctor says sympathetically


"So you're telling me my son is most likely gonna die any day now?" Future asks

"Sorry" The doctor says softly

I see future clench his jaw and shake his head,shit getting deep as hell for me. The doctor walks away and I sigh,I'm so torn. I look over at Nicki and she looks like she's regretting something.

"Why you look like that?" Ci says to her

"Like what?" Nicki asks

"Like you regretting stuff" She says

Nicki slowly looks up at her before buying her lip.

"It's kinda my fault this happened" She says

I look at her confused and she sighs.

"When the meeting with the school was over he started asking me questions about the divorce and he got really upset and started yelling and crying,when we were done he got in his car,left,and I let him" She says

Ciara looks at her with the most angriest look I ever seen her do.

"You let him get in a car and drive while he was upset and crying?! Do you not know that's one of the worst ways anybody can drive?!" Ci yells while walking closer to her

"I'm sorry" She says

"What the fuck Nicki?!" Ci yells while pushing her hard

Nicki grabs her arms and pin them to her sides to stop her.

"Don't touch me! Why would you let that happen?" Ci yells while pushing her again but harder

I see Nicki's face turn red and before anything else could happen me and Future break them apart. I move back with Nicki,she was getting heated.

"I wasn't thinking,I was caught up in the moment of the conversation,you know how his temper is anyway!" Nicki says

"If he dies I swear I will hate you" Ci cries

Future takes her out of the room and I let Nicki go. I go over to Nicole and grab her hand.

"I really need to talk to you" I say

We haven't been on good terms yet still,crazy how me,Ci,and Nic going through relationship problems. I go to a quiet area and face her,it's time to fix this.

"Babe I'm sorry I haven't been the husband I should've been to you,instead of adding on to the petty shit that's been going on,I should've been trying to find ways to get passed it" I say

"August you put me through so much shit,it's not funny" She says

"I know,and I shouldn't have,I'm just scared to lose you,it's causing me to act different,I'm ready to move past this,life is too short and it don't gotta be like this between us,I really need you right now,you know I don't do well with hospitals and I'm really trying not to break down" I say

She sighs and hugs me.

"I know,I can never leave your ass" She chuckles

"I love you so much" I say while hugging her back

"I love you too" She says

Lord please let Zahir make it out of this just fine.

A/N: *cries miserably* no Zahir no! :( Ci and Nicki,*sigh* Next update soon!

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